Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law

A Journal Dedicated to the History and Sources of Medieval Law

Published annually

Editorial correspondence and manuscripts should be sent to:

Melodie Harris Eichbauer  Editor

Florida Gulf Coast University

10501 FGCU Blvd, South, Merwin Hall 188

Fort Myers, Florida 33965-6565


Advisory Board


Péter  Cardinal Erdő                             

Archbishop of Esztergom



Orazio Condorelli

Università degli Studi



Antonia Fiori

La Sapienza, Rome


Rowan Dorin

Stanford University

Christof Rolker

Universität Bamberg


Franck Roumy

Université Pamthéon,

Paris II


Danica Summerlin

University of Sheffield


José Miguel Viéjo-Ximénez

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


Inquiries concerning subscriptions or notifications of change of address should be sent to the Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law Subscriptions, PO Box 19966, Baltimore, MD 21211-0966.   Notifications can also be sent by email to

 jmlcirc@press.jhu.edu, telephone 410-516-6987 or 1-800-548-1784  or fax 410-516-3866.

Subscription prices: United States: $75 institutions; $35 individuals. Single copies $80 institutions, $40 individuals.

The articles in the Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law are abstracted in Canon Law Abstracts, Catholic Periodical and Literature Index and are available on Project Muse and Hein on Line

ISSN: 0146-2989: Typeset annually and printed at 450 Fame Avenue, Hanover, PA 17331 by The Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C.  Postage paid at Hanover PA 17331

 and additional mailing offices.

The Bulletin is published with the generous support of the School of Canon Law at The Catholic University of America.


Pope Gregory XIII

Abbreviations to be used in Essays

Past Issues

BMCL's Ethical Guidelines for Publication