Erice, 2011
Andrea Padovani, "Alle origini dell'universita di Bologna:
 L'insegnamento di Irnerio,"  Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 33 (2016)13-25

Luca Loschiavo, “Verso la costruzione del canone medieval dei testi giustinianei: Il ms. Oxford, Oriel College 22 e la composizione del Volumen parvum,” Inter cives necnon peregrinos: Essay in honour of Boudewijn Sirks, edd. Jan Hallebeek, Martin Schermaier et alii (Goettingen: V&R unipress, 2014) 443-458 at 444-445
Ein Kunstprodukt und selbst ein

When and for how long did Irnerius teach?

Irnerius did not teach: Johannes Fried, Richard Southern,  and Anders Winroth: "The glosses from the early twelfth century do not  prove that Irnerius or any of his contemporaries were teachers of Roman law." The Making of Gratian's Decretum (Cambridge: 2000) 162-170 at 170

Johannes Fried, ..."auf Bitten der Gräfin Mathilde": Werner von Bologna und Irnerius," Europa an der Wende vom 11. zum 12. Jahrhundert:  Beiträge zu Ehren von Werner Goez, ed. Klaus Herbers (Stuttgart: 2001) 171-206