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Thomas Becket
to Pope Alexander III
Thus liberty of the church breathes again.
For a long time the church languished depressed ... now you have resurrected
the ship of Peter which everyone thought had been sunk. The presumption of
tyranny has died.
ut vel sic
respiret libertas Ecclesiae, quae tanto tempore languit depressa, et gaudeat
mundus glorificans Deum, qui fecit vobiscum misericordiam suam,quatenus
resurgat per vos navicula Petri, quae ab omnibus fere credebatur submersa,
exspiret tyrannorum praesumptio, quae videbatur obtinuisse.
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Thomas Becket
to the bishops of the province of Canterbury
Avenge the blood of the
church, which has been eviscerated by the violence of dead
souls. The pride of those who hate the
liberty of the church, increases always . .
Vindica sanguinem
ecclesiae, quae eviscerata est, quae facta est
oppressione exanimis. Superbia enim eorum,qui oderunt ejus libertatem,
ascendit semper. |