Rights of Contracts Guido of Suzara (1290) Suppletiones to Dig. 1.3.31(30) (Princeps legibus), Clm 6201, fol. 10v: Quid si princeps pactum faciat cum aliquo, teneturne servare ut possit conveniri ex contractu quem inivit cum aliquo? Et videtur quod non teneatur servare, nec possit conveniri, arg. huius legis, quia hic dicitur ipsum esse legibus solutum legibus. . . . Econtra videtur quod princeps debeat servare contractus quos facit cum aliquo quia contractus iuris gentium sunt. What if the prince makes a contract with a subject, is he held to honor the contract if he is summoned to court? It seems that he is not bound to observe a summons since he is "legibus solutus." . . . Nevertheless, the prince is bound to honor a contract because a contract is a part of the ius gentium. The prince cannot derogate that right, since the right is immutable. Guido of Suzara (1290) to Cod. 1.14(17).4 (Digna vox), Paris, B.N. lat. 4489, fol. 33v: Nota quod si imperator facit pacem cum aliqua civitate seu cum aliquod comite vel barone, et ineat aliqua pacta teneretur ea observare, nec potest venire contra vel ea infringere. . . Item nec pacta facta per suos antecessores potest infringere . . . Nec obstat quod dicitur quod par in parem non habet imperium . . . quod imperator dum vivit parem non habet, et successor suus heres habet servare facta predecessorum. Note that if the emperor makes peace with any city or with any count or baron, and enters into any agreements, he is bound to observe them; he cannot contravene nor break them . . . He also cannot break agreements that his predecessors made . . . The maxim, an equal cannot have authority does not apply in this case . . . because the emperor does not have an equal as long as he lives, and a successor, his own heir, has to preserve the arrangements of his predecessors. Matrimonial Rights Individual' s right of consent, Parental consent no longer necessary; Equality of the man and woman, Ius coniugale |