This bibliography lists the books, articles and papers of
David Daube, a very prolific scholar whose
publications span almost seventy years and whose areas of expertise
ranged from Biblical Law, Roman
Law, Rabbinic Judaism and the New Testament, Talmudic and Jewish Law, on
down to contemporary
topics and literary criticism, to mention only his main areas of
interest. His publishers include the very
most prestigious academic houses as well as the most incredibly obscure,
in Europe, Africa, North and
South America. Few scholars of his breed remain in today’s specialized
academic world. As this bibliogra-
phy readily demonstrates, David Daube
was a cosmopolitan world citizen.
This register is divided into two parts. In the first, all entries,
complete with publication information, are
listed chronologically and numbered sequentially. Daube’s consistency is
evident. He published something
almost every year from 1932 to 2000. In cases where an article has
appeared more than once, often under
a different title or in a revised form, each item is listed as a
separate publication. Indications are given to
show where these related publications have appeared, whether as chapters
in books or pages in volumes in
which these works have been collected. The following abbreviations are
used for these main collections:
CSRL for Collected Studies in Roman Law; CWDD for
Collected Works of David Daube; NTRJ
for The New
Testament and Rabbinic Judaism; and SBL for Studies in
Biblical Law. Volumes 1 and 2 of CWDD have
already been published; volumes 3 and 4 are projected.
In the second part, all titles are listed alphabetically. The number
appearing after each title in braces
allows readers to locate titles that appear in chronological sequence in
part one of the bibliography. In
addition, cross reference numbers with a
≈ symbol are provided to identify other titles that are closely
related to the relevant entries, either as reprints or revisions.
This project would not have been possible without the assistance of
several people. In particular,
Douglas H. Parker was led by his friendship with
David Daube to create a large collection of
his writings
in the Howard W. Hunter Law Library at Brigham Young University, and
Calum M. Carmichael is
engaged in the on-going work of producing the Collected Works of
David Daube. Macene Mason, legal sec-
retary at the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University,
and others assisted in tabulating,
consolidating, and checking the data and word processing documents
behind this bibliography; and
Robert E. M. Spencer, Production Editor at BYU Studies, designed and
laid out these pages.
Annotations are available in volumes one and two of the Collected
Works of David Daube for all of the
items published so far in that series. Annotations for the remaining
items will similarly appear in the sub-
sequent forthcoming volumes in that collection.
This bibliography was prepared for the session of the Biblical Law
Section of the Society for Biblical
Literature in Denver, Colorado, November 19, 2001, honoring the lifetime
contribution of David Daube to
the field of Biblical Law, to which he made a singularly significant
formative contribution. Although no bib-
liography is ever perfect or complete, it is hoped that these pages
represent a useful token of sincere gratitude
to and for David Daube and his many
contributions to a world of scholarship.
John W. Welch
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah