Canon 180 § 1. Si electioni illius quem electores aptiorem putent ac praeferant, impedimentum canonicum obstet, super quo dispensatio concedi possit ac soleat, suis ipsi suffragiis eum possunt, nisi aliud iure caveatur, a competenti auctoritate postulare.
Canon 181 § 1. Ut postulatio vim habeat, requiruntur saltem duae tertiae partes suffragiorum. § 2. Suffragium pro postulatione exprimi debet per verbum: "postulo", aut aequivalens; formula: "eligo vel postulo", aut aequipollens, valet pro electione, si impedimentum non exsistat, secus pro postulatione. |
Can. 180 § 1 If a canonical impediment, from which a dispensation is possible and customary, stands in the way of the election of a person whom the electors judge more suitable and prefer, they can, unless the law provides otherwise, postulate that person from (recte to) the competent authority. §2 Those to whom the power of electing has been transferred by compromise may not make a postulation, unless this is expressly stated in the terms of the compromise. Can. 181 § 1 For a postulation to have effect, at least two thirds of the votes are required. § 2 A vote for postulation must be expressed by the term 'I postulate', or an equivalent. The formula 'I elect or postulate', or its equivalent, is valid for election if there is no impediment; otherwise, it is valid for postulation. |