Recommended Readings in Roman Law
- Laurette Barnard, "The Criminalisation of
Heresy in the Later Roman Empire: A Sociopolitical Device?", 16 Journal
of Legal History 121 (1995)
- W.W. Buckland, "Ritual Acts and Words in
Roman Law", in Festschrift Paul Koschaker 16 (1939)
- W.W. Buckland, A Textbook of Roman Law from
Augustus to Justinian (Peter Stein, ed., 3rd ed., 1963)
- Anton-Hermann Chroust, "Legal Education
in Ancient Rome", 7 Journal of Legal Education, 509 (1955)
- John Crook, Law and Life of Rome (1967)
- J.A. Crook, Legal Advocacy in the Roman World
- Richard Leo Enos, The Literate Mode of Cicero's
Legal Rhetoric (1988)
- M. Carr Ferguson, "A Day in Court in Justinian's
Rome: Some Problems of Evidence, Proof and Justice in Roman Law",
46 Iowa Law Review 732 (1961)
- Bruce Frier, The Rise of the Roman Jurists:
Studies in Cicero's Pro Caecina (1985)
- Jane F. Gardner, Women in Roman Law and Society
- Daniel J. Gargola, Lands, Law and Gods: Magistrates
and Ceremony in the Regulation of Public Lands in Republican Rome (1995)
- Erich S. Gruen, Roman Politics and the Criminal
Courts, 149-78 B.C. (1968)
- Herbert Hausmaniger, "'Benevolent' and 'Humane'
Opinions of Classical Roman Jurists", 61 Boston University Law
Review 1138 (1981)
- A.M. Honore, "The Background to Justinian's
Codification", 48 Tulane Law Review 859 (1974)
- A.M. Honore, "Legal Reasoning in Rome and
Today", 4 Cambrian Law Review 58 (1973)
- Tony Honore, Emperors and Lawyers (1994)
- Patrick Hutton, "Decoding the Legends of
Roman Law" in History and the Art of Memory 39-43 (1993) [on
orality, literacy and the Twelve Tables]
- David Johnston, "Limiting Liability: Roman
Law and the Civil Law Tradition", 70 Chicago-Kent Law Review
1515 (1995)
- H.F. Jolowicz and Barry Nicholas, Historical
Introduction to the Study of Roman Law (3rd ed., 1972)
- A.H.M. Jones, The Criminal Courts of the Roman
Republic and Principate (1972)
- C.F. Kolbert, trans., Justinian: The Digest
of Roman Law (1979)
- Wolfgang Kunkel, An Introduction to Roman
Legal and Constitutional History (2nd ed., 1972)
- Law and Society in Byzantium (Angeliki
E. Laiou and Diter Simon eds., 1994)
- Ernst Levy, West Roman Vulgar Law: The Law
of Property (1951)
- Andrew Lintott, Judicial Reform and Land Reform
in the Roman Republic (1992)
- Geoffrey MacCormack, "Formalism, Symbolism
and Magic in Early Roman law", 37 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
439 (1969)
- Geoffrey MacCormack, "Roman and African
Litigation", 39 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 221 (1971)
- Geoffrey MacCormack, "Anthropology and Early
Roman Law", Irish Jurist 173 (1979)
- Elizabeth Anne Meyer, Literacy, Literate Practice
and the Law in the Roman Empire, A.D. 100-600 Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation,
University of Pennsylvania, 1990
- O.F. Robinson, "The Role of the Senate in
Roman Criminal Law During the Principate", 17 Journal of Legal
History (1996)
- Robert Rogers, Criminal Trials and Criminal
Legislation Under Tiberius (1935)
- Fritz Schulz, History of Roman Legal Science
- William Seagle, "Gaius" in Men of
Law (1947)
- George Sellett et al., "Archaic Methods
of Validating a Contract: The 'Blow' and the 'Libation'", 21 Michigan
Law Review 79 (1922)
- A.N. Sherwin-White, Roman Society and Roman
Law in the New Testament (1963)
- Peter Stein, "Interpretation and Legal Reasoning
in Roman Law", 70 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1539 (1995)
- Paul R. Swarney, "Social Status and Social
Behaviour as Criteria in Judicial Proceedings in the Late Republic",
in Law, Politics, and Society in the Ancient Mediterranean World
(Baruch Halpen, ed., 1993)
- Peter M. Tiersma, "Rites of Passage: Legal
Ritual in Roman Law and Anthropological Analogues", 9 Journal of
Legal History 3 (1988) The Theodosian Code (Jill Harris &
Ian Woods eds., 1993)
- Alan Watson, Law Making in the Later Roman
Republic (1974)
- Alan Watson, Roman Private Law Around 200
BC (1971)
- Alan Watson, Roman Slave Law (1987)
- Alan Watson, Rome of the XII Tables: Persons
and Property (1975)
- Alan Watson, The Spirit of Roman Law (1995)
- Callie Williamson, "Monuments of Bronze:
Roman Legal Documents on Bronze Tablets", 6 Classical Antiquity
160 (1987)
- Francis de Zulueta, The Institutes of Gaius