Concubinato nella legislazione del Primo e Secondo Concilio Lateranense

Papa Callisto II ha tenuto il Lateranense I (1123 A.D.) c.7:  We absolutely forbid priests, deacons, or subdeacons to live with concubines and wives and to cohabit with other women.


Conclusione:  La discussione di Graziano sul concubinato diventa irrilevante dopo la promulgazione delle decretali papali e dei canoni conciliari nei anni 1120's e 1130's


Papa Innocenzo II (1130-1143 A.D.) ha tenuto il Lateranense II (1139) c.7:  Adhering to the path trod by our predecessors the Roman pontiffs Gregory VII, Urban and Paschal, we prescribe that nobody is to hear masses of those whom he knows to have wives or concubines .  .  . we decree that where bishops, priests, deacons, subdeacons, canons regular, monks, professed lay brothers have presumed to take wives .  .  . they are to be separated from them.  For we do not think that couplings of this sort that have been contracted against ecclesiastical norms is a marriage.