Isidore of Seville, Etymologies Chapter 5.4
Gratian, Decretum D.1 c.7

Cologne, Dombibliothek 127, fol. 9r
Ius naturale est commune omnium nationum, i.e. nascentium

c.33, 48: wild animals and game  1.
communis omnium possessio 2. adquisitio eorum quae celo, terra, marisque capiuntur

c.20, 21, 22:   all crimes punished according to the maxim:
una omnium libertas

c.38, 39, 40: necessity of witnesses and due process

Paucapalea (ca. 1150), Prologue to Summa, ed. Johann F. von Schulte (Giessen: 1890, repr. Aalen: 1965) 1:

Placitandi forma in paradiso primum videtur inventa, dum prothoplastus de inobedientiae crimine ibidem a domino interrogatus .  .  .  dicens, "Mulier, quam dedisti, dedit mihi et comedi" (Genesis 3.12). 

Richard H. Helmholz, 'Magna carta and the Law of Nature', Loyola Law Review 62 (2016) 869-886