Gratian, Decretum Troyes, Bibliothèque municipale 103
fol. 1r |
Canonista sine legibus nihil
Gratian put four texts taken from Roman law in all the recensions of his
Decretum and inserted over 100 Roman law texts into his final, Vulgate
Decretum from all parts of Justinian's codification and from his post
codification legislation, Novellae. Most importantly Gratian
added 30 of Irnerius' authenticae that up-dated the Codex
and Institutes in light of twelfth-century norms.
Pennington, “The
Big Bang”: Roman Law in the Early
Twelfth Century’, Rivista
internazionale di diritto comune 18 (2007) 43-70 at 53-68
Pennington, ‘The Beginning of Roman Law Jurisprudence and Teaching in the
Twelfth Century: The
Rivista internazionale di diritto
comune 22 (2011) 35-53 |