Cenotaph in
memory of Prospero Farinacci (1544-1618), attributed to Domenico Fontana
(1543-1607), in the Church of S. Silvestro al Quirinale in Rome. Farinacci
had been appointed counsel of the Sacra Consulta by Pope Clemente VIII
Aldobrandini (1592-1605) and Procuratore fiscale of the Apostolic Camera
by Pope Paul V.
In 1595 Farinacci was living the the
Palazzo Altemps home of Cardinal Marco Sittico Altemps. Berardino
Pope Clement VIII: "La farina
è buona. È il sacco che è cattivo." |
Jurisprudence Governing the Use of Torture
1. Evidence must be legitimate,
probable, grave, and sufficient --- the judge must be almost certain of
2. Even with his
"absolute power," prince may not mandate torture without sufficient proofs
--- if judges obey princely orders to torture without sufficient
proofs they will be brought to trial for their crime
3. If a judge threatens
a defendant with torture --- that is torture
4. Before ordering
someone to be tortured a judge must set a term for defendants to
make their defense and provide them with the accusations and evidence
against them
5. When the proofs are
sufficient a defendant should be convicted and not tortured
6. Many persons are
exempted from torture: nobles, pregnant women, minors. The prince
may grant permission to order the torture of a noble person |