Decapitating Holofernes ca. 1620
Artemisia Gentileschi, Galleria degli
Uffizi, Florence
chapters 10-13 |
Gentileschi Artemisia
Agostino Tassi
Trial in Rome, March-October 1612
Artemisia married Pierantonio
Stiatessi in November 1612
Mary D. Garrard,
Artemisia Gentileschi: The Image of the Female Hero in Italian Baroque Art
(Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1989).
Elizabeth S. Cohen, "No
Longer Virgins: Self-Representation in Young Women in Late
Renaissance Rome,: Refiguring Women: Perspectives on Gender
and the Italian Renaissance, ed. Marilyn Migiel and Juliana Schiesari
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991) 169-191
Orazio and Artemisia
Gentileschi, ed. Christensen, Keith and Mann, Judith W. (New Haven-New
York: Yale University Press and Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001).
Exhibitions in Rome, New York, and Saint Louis
Italian Women Artists
from Renaissance to Baroque. National Museum of Women in the Arts,
Washington, D.C. Milan: Skira editore, 2007. Exhibition in
Washington, DC |