Torino, Biblioteca nazionale  E.I.1.C.4

Knut Wolfgang Nörr,  Zur Stellung des Richters im gelehrten Prozeß der Frühzeit: Iudex secundum allegata non secundum conscientiam iudicat. Münchener Universitätsschriften, Reihe der Juristischen Fakultät, 2. München: C.H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1967.

Question that I cannot answer (which means it is the most interesting):

Was the Pisan legislation inspired by the Authentica or were the Authentica and Pisan legislation influenced by general procedural practices in early twelfth-century courts?

Question that I can answer:

The jurists concluded that all parts of the Ordo iudiciarius take place before the judge.  The judge was bound to render a decision by only what was presented in the courtroom.  Iudex secundum allegata non secundum conscientiam iudicat.