Codex, Nürnberg 1488, fol. 347r

Who was the first to translate and adapt Novellae for the  Codex margins? Irnerius? Huguccio is earliest witness for Irnerius' authorship

Manuscripts contain 220 vulgate authenticae and  over 148 extravangantes (Palmieri* did not find all of them in his six manuscripts)

Many of  the the extravagantes have little or no connection with any Novellae.  Authenticae that became part of the vulgate tradition often had tenuous relationships to the Novellae to which they were attributed.

*Giovanni Baptista Palmieri (Johanne Baptista Palmerio) Authenticarum collectio antiqua in Scripta anectoda glossatorum vel glossatorum aetate composita (Bibliotheca iuridica medii aevi 3; Bologna 1901) 68-95