A court case from the twelfth century

Rainerius, from the rich and powerful Berlusconi family in the village of Caravaggio outside of Milano falls in love with a poor but beautiful peasant girl, Stefania de Caravaggio.  Of course, she marries him.  However, her beauty, intelligence, and wit attract continuous attention from the courtiers at the court of Berlusconi.  Rainerius has constant fits of jealous rage.  Finally Rainerius can no longer tolerate the situation.  He accuses her of adultery with Rodrigus (about whom we know nothing).  Rainerius has his courtiers force a confession from the innocent woman and takes her confession, confirmed by Stefania's oath before two witnesses, to the podestà of Caravaggio.   Stefania then disappears from our sources.  Her fate is still unknown (a homage to the Kingston Trio).