![]() Pope Boniface VIII, Marble Statute ca. 1300 Anagni, Palazzo di Bonafacio VIII |
Pope Honorius III (1216-1227) Papal Decretal Et si membra (1217) Jacobus de Albenga (ca. 1230), to 5 Comp. 3.8.1. s.v. Laici vero huiusmodi conciliis interesse non debent, nisi specialiter uocarentur . . . uel nisi specialiter tractaretur causa fidei . . . uel nisi tractaretur de matrimonio, tunc enim cum tales cause eos tangant possunt interesse (Indeed, laymen should not participate in this sort of council unless they are specially called . . . or unless matters of faith are dealt with . . . or unless marriage is dealt with. Then laymen should be present because these issues touch them). |
Liber Sextus of Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) 5.[13].29 De regulis iuris "Quod omnes tangit debet ab omnibus approbari (What touches all must be approved by all)" |