Letter to Bishop Peter des Roche of Winchester ca. Spring 1215

Sicut volumus ut iura clericorum laici non usurpent, ita velle debemus ne clerici iura sibi vendicent laicorum .  .  .  contentus existat constitutionibus scriptis et consuetudinibus que hactenus sunt optente, ut que sunt Cesaris Cesari, et que sunt Dei Deo recta distributione reddantur. 

The Latin text is printed and translated in Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III 205-206.  Karl Hampe, “Aus verlorenen Registerbänden der Päpste Innocenz III. und Innocenz IV.Mitteilungen des Instituts für österreichische Geschichtsforschung 23 (1902) 545-67 at 556-557 

.42 Fourth Lateran Council

=  4 Comp. — (X —)


Sicut volumus et ut iura clericorum laici non usurpent ita velle debemus ne clerici iura sibi vendicent laicorum .  .  .  ut que sunt cesaris cesari et que sunt dei deo recta distributione reddantur  .  .  . observetur quod hactenus obtentum.  We wish that laymen should not usurp the rights of the clergy, so we ought to wish that clerics do not take rights away from laymen in court .  .  .  follow those things that have previously been observed and render those things which are Caesar’s to Caesar and those that are God’s to God in their proper and correct division.