<Reus>Ideo ex singulis tribubus ciuitates adhabitandum acceperunt, ut unaqueque tribus illis persolueret decimas, qui secum erant. Quia ergo intra muros urbis istorum sederemus, eis habitatatione iuncti sumus, et ideo rite ab eis decimas accipimus. § Item ait Propheta: "Producens phenum iumentis, et herbam seruituti hominum<Ps. 103.14>." Fenum et herba producitur ex![]() Corinthiis autem probat sumptus sibi specialiter deberi, quia spiritualia eis ministrat, dicens: "Si seminavimus uos spiritualia magnum est si nos carnalia vestra metamus <1 Cor. 9.11>?" |
Again from each tribe cities accepted
for their inhabitants that each would give to the tribes that were with
them. Because we lived within the walls of the city and are joined to
them in our living place, we justly
receive tithes from them.
§ Again the Prophet says: "Grain is produced for beasts of burden and crops in the service of men." <Ps. 103.14>. Grain and crops are products of the earth. But for whom? For the beasts of burden who make it fertile and for those who serve them. As the Apostle: "He who teaches should share in all things. <Gal. 6.6>." This in Galatians. In Corinthians it is proven that expenses are specially owed to him because he administers spiritual things for them: "We have sown for you a spiritual harvest; is it too much to ask that we reap from you a temporal reward? <1 Cor. 9.11>" |