<Actor> Ad haec:
Callida quidem et multiplici argumentatione uestra iura nobis auferre
contenditis, ita ut, si fides uerbis adhiberetur, non uerba pro uerbis, set
res pro uerbis reportaretis <Cf.
Julianus Pomerius, De vita contemplativa c.34>
. Set si verba dedistis, uerba recipietis. Arguitis nos, quod ea, que uobis
debentur, subripere cecidimus (sic), quia nostra persequimur. Sapientis
quidem et ore phylosophi est
<Plaintiff> With many and rash arguments you strive to take our rights away from us. If one can put faith in your words, you do not want to exchange words with us but you want to bring back goods for words. <Cf. Julianus Pomerius, De vita contemplativa c.34> . But if words you give, words you will receive. You accuse us that we are attempting to take away those things owed to you because we pursue our rights. It is the opinion of a wise man and a philosopher: to pursue one's rights is to plunder another's property. Hence you hold this opinion, unless because you desire our rights with so great ardor that you think that your rights have been taken by us, when we have but pursued our own? Whence, when our law suit will reach its conclusion, you will exclaim: "Oh unhappy man, I am tormented that the morsel has been ripped from my throat! <Terence, Heauton Timorumenos 4.2.6>]. But take heed that you seek to make good the injury of the wasted anointment [Matthew c.26 and Mark c.14 --- Judas justified his taking 30 marks of silver because of the wasted anointment that Jesus let be poured on him]. |