Anna, the mother of the Priest Grisandus  ――― Priest of the Reigning Presence, of the most Royal, of the Highest, of the most Exalted, of the most Brilliant, of the most Holy of Lords, made strong through God, through His Power made Strong, through His Strength made strong, ruler of Italy, Lombardy, Calabria, Sicily and Africa, Defender of the Pope in Rome, Protector of the Christian community, may God preserve his Rule  ――― died Friday evening the twentieth of August of the year 543 and was buried in the great Cathedral.  After her son  with recommend and prayer moved her to this church of St Michael in the early hours of Friday the 20th of May 544.  Her son had this chapel dedicated to St. Anna build to the honor of the name of the mother of the Holy Virgin and the Mother of the Messiah.  May God be merciful  and to whomever read this pray for her.  Amen, Amen, Amen.

Translation based on Jeremy Johns, "Der Grab der Anna, Mutter des königlichen Priester Grisandus,"  Nobiles Officinae: Die königlichen Hofwerkstätten zu Palermo zur Zeit der Normannen und Staufer im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert, ed. Wilfried Seipel (Milano: Skira, 2004) 294-297 at 296.