Bible of Robert de Bello, ca. 1235, Book
of Josue
London, British Library, Burney 3, fol.
90r |
Matthaeus de Afflictis
Decisiones sacri consilii neapolitani
(Lyon: 1552)
Decisio 151, pp. 271-275
King Frederick IV of Naples (1496- †1504) King of Portugal, probably
Manuel I (1495- †1521)
Edict for the Expulsion of Jews 1496-1497
But concerning the contrary argument, namely, that the king of Portugal
could compel the relatives of this infant and the infant to be
baptized without the consent of the parents, as Guido de Baysio argued in
his commentary to Gratian. Guido's reason was that Jews were slaves of
the king.
But in spite of the opinions of so many men, the small children of Jews
cannot be baptized if the parents are unwilling.
François Soyer,
Persecution of the Jews and Muslims of Portugal:
King Manuel I and the End
of Religious Tolerance (1496-7)
(The Medieval Mediterranean, Peoples,
Economies and Cultures, 400-1500, 69; Leiden: 2006)
Lucia Fratterelli, "Sui battesimo dei
bambini ebrei: Il caso di Livorno," Salvezza delle
anime disciplina dei corpi: Un seminario sulla storia del battesimo,
ed. Adriano Prosperi (Pisa: 2006) 449-482