Pierre Hubert Subleyras, Pope Benedict XIV
(Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini) 1746
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
Pope Benedict XIV,
Bullarium, Tomus Secundus, in quo
continentur constitutiones, epistolae, aliaque edita ab anno MDCCXLVI usque
ad totum annum MDCCXLVIII
(Volume 5; Melchin: 1826)
"Sed quoniam facta huiusmodi frequenter Romae et
alibi audiuntur; quotienscumque vero id accidit, multae hinc statim
opiniones maximeque diversae"
1. Jewish
children cannot be baptized if their parents are unwilling;
if the child is baptized, the child cannot remain
with the parents: the opinion of Calderini is wrong
2. If the
father is a Christian and the wife is unwilling, the child can be baptized;
the son is under the authority of the father not the mother(patriapotestas)
3. If the mother becomes a Christian, she can have the children baptized
4. If the father is dead and the grandfather is a Christian
he can decide that the child should be baptized, even if the mother is
5. If a priest is coerced to
baptize children because infidels think that will bring the children the benefits of
health, the baptism is valid.
6. If a child is sick and dying a valid
baptism can be performed because of necessity
Marina Caffiero, Battesimi forzati: Storie di
ebrei, cristiani e convertiti nella Roma dei papi (Rome: 2004),
translated by Lydia G. Cochrane, Forced Baptisms:
Histories of Jews, Christians, and Converts in Papal Rome (Berkeley_Los
Angeles-London: 2012) 49-56
Christian Zendri, Umanesimo giuridico
ed ebraismo
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