C.32, q.6 a.c.1: "Ecce
quod ista dimitti non valet cum innocens a fornicatione inveniatur.
Sed ponatur quod ipsa sit adultera queritur si adulter possit dimittere eam
causa fornicationis? Non enim videtur quod pari crimine infectus alium de
eodem punire possit. Unde,
cum Iudei adulteram accusarent, equitatis
sententiam a domino acceperunt. 'Quicumque vestrum sine peccato est
primus in illam lapidem mittat'."
Gratian: So, she cannot be dismissed since
she is innocent of fornication. But let us suppose that she were an
adulteress. Could an adulterer send her away because of her fornication?It
appears that one guilty of a crime cannot punish another for the same crime.
Hence, when the Jews accused the adulteress, they received a sentence of
equity from the Lord [John. 8:7], ``Let him who is without sin among you be
the first to cast a stone at her.'' The Gospel also commanded [cf. Lk.
6:42], ``You Hypocrite, first cast out the beam from your own eye, and then
cast out the speck from your brother's eye.''