History of Canon Law Mid-Term Essay 

Due Wednesday, October 16, 2002

1. Law can be defined as "the principles and regulations established by a government" (Random House Webster's College Dictionary). The Latin word "ius" can be translated as "law." Discuss the meaning of the word "ius" and discuss the shortcomings of the definition of law in the Random House definition.   Explain why early Christian communities preferred the term "κανον" and did not use "ius" in their legal vocabulary.


2. Define customary law.  What was the role of custom and what were the sources of canon law from the birth of Christ until ca. 500?  What was the relationship (geographically and chronologically) between the sources of canon law in this period?  How did Christian communities of the period know what canon law was?

3.  Describe the relationship of the papacy and canon law in the period from 100 A.D. and 600 A.D.

4. Discuss the differences and similarities between Greek and Latin canon law between 500 A.D. and 1100.

5. Discuss the role of canon law in the eleventh-century reform movement.  Which sources in the canonical tradition were most important for shaping the reforms?  Was there a reform of canon law in the eleventh century? 

6. Pick one institution within the Church from Apostolic Times to the eleventh century (e.g. papacy, priests, celibacy, councils, marriage, baptism, confession, bishops, dioceses, etc.).  Describe the development of that institution and discuss the role of canon law in shaping it.


Write an essay covering each of these points. It should be typed, double-spaced, and proofread. The font should be 12 point, the margins 1" left and right, top and bottom. Please number pages (in case of an accident!).   Place the numbers of the sections in your essay.