Erzbisch�fliche Di�zesan- und Dombibliothek 127, fol. 194v Causa 19,
Duae sunt |
ue sunt, inquit, leges:
una publica, altera privata. Publica lex est,
que a sanctis patribus scriptis est firmata,
ut est lex canonum,
que quidem
propter transgressores est tradita [cf. Galatians 3:19]. Verbi gratia:
Decretum est in canonibus, clericum non debere de suo episcopatu ad alium
transire nisi commendaticiis litteris episcopi sui, quod propter criminosos
constitutum est, ne videlicet infames ab aliquo episcopo suscipiantur
persone. [D.71 c.7] Solebant enim officia sua, cum non poterant in suo, in episcopatu
altero celebrare, quod iure preceptis et scriptis detestatum est [Cf. C.7
q.1 c.24].
There are, he said, two
laws, one public, the other private. The public law is that which is
established in writing by the holy fathers, as is canon law,
which, indeed, is issued because of transgressors [cf. Galatians 3:19]. For
example, it is decreed in the canons that a cleric ought not to cross from
his own diocese to another without a letter of introduction from his bishop,
which was constituted because of criminals, namely so that infamous persons
would not be received by any bishop. For they were accustomed to celebrate
their liturgies in another diocese when they could not do so in their own,
which with justice is excoriated by commands and writings. |