Edward I, b. June
17, 1239, d. July 7, 1307, king of England (1272-1307) completed the
conquest of Wales and temporarily subdued Scotland. He was the eldest son of
HENRY III. In 1254 he was made duke of Gascony and married Eleanor of
Castile (d. 1290). In contrast to his father, Edward showed masterfulness in
the disputes with the English barons following the governmental reforms
instituted by the Provisions of Oxford (1258). He supported Simon de
MONTFORT in 1259 but later changed sides. He fought for the king at the
Battle of Lewes (1264) and himself defeated Montfort decisively at Evesham
(1265), restoring royal power. In 1271-72 he was on crusade at Acre. During
the years from 1272, when Edward succeeded his father, to 1290 striking
achievements occurred. Edward conquered the Welsh principality of Llywelyn
ap Gruffydd in devastating campaigns in 1277 and 1282-83 and built massive
castles to keep it secure. In England he held regular parliaments. A program
of legislation strengthened royal control over the court system and reformed
the tangled feudal land law.
After 1294 wars in Scotland and France dominated Edward's reign. The death (1290) of Margaret, Maid of Norway, heiress to the Scottish crown, allowed Edward as suzerain to choose a successor, John de BALIOL, and then to claim direct rule over Scotland, which he subdued in 1296. In France the conflict concerned the French king's overlordship over Edward's duchy of Gascony. In 1297, Edward attacked France to assert his rights, but the expedition was cut short by the rebellion in Scotland of Sir William WALLACE. At the same time the English nobles rebelled, forcing Edward to grant Parliament control over taxes. By a treaty (1303) with PHILIP IV of France, Edward retained Gascony. He failed, however, to quell the risings of Wallace and Robert the Bruce (later ROBERT I), and Scotland remained only half- conquered at his death. He was succeeded by his son Edward II. |