The republican jurists had already extended the meaning of iniuria (unlawfully) to culpa (negligence). (p. 72) and Gaius Inst. 3.211. Gaius interprets dolus (fault) as being intentional and with malice; culpa is negligence. In contrast to the other delicts where only dolus is actionable, the Lex Aquilia recognizes culpa levissima: 9.2.44 (p. 96). Negligence is first developed in the Lex Aquilia and only later extended to other areas of law.

Modern continental law recognizes negligence when a person is able to recognize the unlawfulness of his behavior and could have had the opportunity to act otherwise.

The Roman jurists leaned towards a universal measure later called the Homo constans. e.g. 9.2.31. Homo diligens; paterfamilias diligens.