H. Minnich, “Concilium lateranense V 1512-1517,” Conciliorum Oecumenicorum
generaliumque decretal, 2.2: From Basel to Lateran V
(1431-1517) (Corpus Christianorum; Bologna: Istituto per le scienze
religiose, 2013) = CODG

Frontispiece of the Corrected Edition
of Fifth Lateran Council Edited by Cardinal Antonio Del Monte and Published
on July 31, 1521 by Giacomo Mazzocchi in Rome |

Nelson H. Minnich, "The Official
Edition (1521) of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-1517),"
Proceedings of the Twelfth
International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Washington DC 2004
(Rome 2008) 965-978