Gratian, Decretum
cuidam mulieri insinuatum quod a quodam nobili in coniugem peteretur.
Assensit et illa. Quidam uero ignobilis et seruilis conditionis illius
nomine se optulit et eam in coniugem accepit. Qui primus petiuerat
modo uenit eamque in coniugem petit. Conqueritur illa se delusam et ad
illum aspirat. Vnde queritur an inter eos sit coniugium? Secundo
si cum putaret hunc esse liberum quem mox deprehensum habet seruum esse, an
statim ab illo discedere possit?
A noblewoman learned that another noble's
son sought her in marriage. She consented. But a non-noble of servile
condition offered himself under first man's name and took her as wife. Her
first choice at last arrived to seek her in marriage. She complained that
she had been deceived and wanted to marry the first man. The questions here
First, were they married?
Second, if she first believed a man was free, and later discovered he was
servile, could she lawfully leave him forthwith?