Cod. [= Nov. 22.11 (Auth. 4.1)]Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 673, p. 171

Constitutio noua i. in collatione iiii.  Ad hec qui suam ancillam credenti tradit in matrimonium tamquam liberam aut sciens eam duci taceat ex studio dominium amittit eaque ad ingenuitatem rapitur.  Idem dicitur de seruo. (To this who gives his maid servant to a Christian in matrimony as a free person or knowingly and intentionally is silent when she is led into marriage, loses lordship over her.  She becomes free.  The same is true of a slave).

Justinian's Codex, Stuttgart, Württembergische  Landesbibliothek jur. 71, fol. 133r