Gratian, Causa Prima (D.54 c.20) Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 673, p.20

Gratian, Decretum D.54 c.20  Köln, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek 127, fol. 55r

St. Gall:  Si servus sciente et non contradicente domino in clero ordinatus fuerit, <ex> hoc ipso liber et ingenuus erit.  Set si ignorante domino ordinatio fiat, licet domino intra spatium unius anni et servilem fortunam probare et suum servum accipere." (If a slave was ordained knowingly, and his owner does not oppose his ordination, the slave become free and freeborn.  But if the slave's owner does not know about the ordination, he has the right to claim his ownership of the slave and to take him back within a year.)