<Reus> Honesta hec interpretatio! Vtinam inueniatis qui pro uobis interpretetur. Quia ergo nos rigamus populum hunc, doctrine ymbrem ei ministrantes, quia colimus eum uomere praedicationis, si non uultis sinere uel patimini nobis eum fructificare, et qualia uobis fieri non uultis nobis inferre cavete, ne, si pergitis dicere que uultis, audiatis que non uultis <Terrence, Andria 5.4.920: si mihi perget quae uolt dicere ea quae non uolt audiet>.

What a worthy interpretation!   Would that you would find someone who could give you such an opinion.  We lead this people, we administer thex-large ss of doctrine to them, because we cultivate their fields with the plough of preaching.   If you do not wish to allow us to care for them, and those things that you do not wish to do you leave to us. Beware that if you say what you want you may hear what you do not want.