Pope Lucius III to his venerable brother G. the bishop of Ely and to his beloved son, S. the archdeacon of Ely.

We have learned from the complaint of Robert, a cleric of Saint Albans that when he made a surety for Helia and Philip, clerics from London.  They asked him to make the surety to merchants from Bologna for six and seven silver marks.  Helia promised by faith and Philip by oath.  The money was not paid.  The Bolognese merchants forced Robert to pay the money for the two clerics.

Lest not, therefore, that Robert not suffer damage when he should merit a reward, we sent a mandate to Johannes the bishop of Bologna  that he should examine the instruments that are in the possession of the merchants.  He  should not delay responding to our request.  We mandate and command that if Helia and Philip confess that the facts of the case are as alleged by Robert, you should warn them they they should pay Robert the money he paid without delay.  If they do not pay Robert, you should take the money from their stipends.

If these clerics have violated their faith and their oaths, suspend them from their benefices and from their duties (offices).

Lucius III. venerabili fratri Eliensi episcopo et dilecto filio archdiacono Norvicensi

Pervenit ad nos ex transmissa nobis conquestione Roberti clerici de sancto Albano quod, cum ipse pro Helia et Philippo clericis Lundonensibus ad eorum instantiam pro altero eorum Helia videlicet in sex, et pro altero in septem aliis marchis argenti mercatoribus Bononiensibus fideiussisset, et eis, sicut unus fide, alter iuramento promiserant praescriptam pecuniam non solventibus, coactus est predictis creditoribus pro ipsis, sicut inter eos convenerat exihere.

Ne igitur supradictus Robertum dispendium patiatur, unde videtur praemium meruisse, venerabili fratri nostro I. Bononiensi episcopo dedimus in mandatis, ut super debitis illis instrumenta, quae sunt penes creditores inspiciat, et eorum transscripta, suo sigillo signata vobis mittere non postponat.

Mandamus itaque discretioni vestrae atque praecipimus, quatinus, si ex confessione praedictorum clericorum uel alias legitime vobis rem ita se habere constiterit,  predictos clericos moneatis, ut memorato Roberto pecuniam, quam pro eis solvit, dilatione et appellatione cessante restituant, ipsumque servent indemnem.  Si vero id ad vestram commonitionem non egerint vos, auctoritate apostolica freti, de redditibus eorum praescripta debita faciatis appellatione remota in integrum exsolvi, et damna etiam, quae idem R. propter hoc pertulit, resarciri, aut predictos reditus sibi assignetis tamdiu sine molestia detinendos, donec ipsa damna resarcita fuerit, et debita sine deminutione soluta.

Praefatos vero clericos, si religionem fidei et iuramenti sui eos violasse constiterit, sublato appellationis obstaculo ab officio et beneficio suspendatis. 

Ceterum, quia novis moribus nova convenit antidota praeparari, volumus et mandamus quatenus in causa fideiussionis, que inter R. clericum de sancto Albano, et Heliam et Philippum  canonicos Londonenses vertitur, ad veritatem eliciendam appellatione cessante praestari faciatis ab utraque parte calumniae iuramentum consuetudine, quae legi contraria est, non obstante.

1181 A.D.