CIC 1983 c. 638: Ad ius proprium pertinet, intra ambitum iuris universalis, determinare actus qui finem et modum ordinariae administrationis excedant, atque ea statuere quae ad valide ponendum actum extraordinariae administrationis necessaria sunt. | CIC 1983 c. 638: It is for an institute's own law, within the limits of the universal law, to define the acts which exceed the purpose and the manner of ordinary administration, and to establish what is needed for the validity of an act of extraordinary administration. |
CIC 1983 c. 232: Ecclesiae officium est atque ius proprium et exclusivum eos instituendi, qui ad ministeria sacra deputantur. | CIC 1983 c. 232: It is the duty and the proper and exclusive right of the Church to train those who are deputed to sacred ministries. |
CIC 1983 c. 643 § 2: Ius proprium potest alia impedimenta etiam ad validitatem admissionis constituere vel condiciones apponere. Return to Gaius | CIC 1983 c. 643 § 2: An institute's own law can constitute other impediments even for the validity of admission, or attach other conditions. |