Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek lat. 26301, fol. 221r

Decretals of Gregory IX, dated 1240

5 Comp. 5.12.3 = X 5.33.28 Pope Honorius III December 1219

Super specula, et infra. Sane, licet sancta ecclesia legum secularium non respuat famulatum,  que equitatis et iustitie vestigia imitantur, quia tamen in Francia et nonnullis provinciis laici Romanorum imperatorum legibus non utuntur, et occurrunt raro ecdesiasticae cause tales, que non possint statutis canonicis expediri, ut plenius sacrae paginae insistatur, et infra.  Firmiter interdicimus et districtus inhibemus, ne Parisius vel in civitatibus seu aliis locis vicinis quisquam docere vel audire ius civile praesumat. Et qui contra fecerit, non solum a causarum patrociniis interim excludatur, verum etiam per episcopum loci excommunicationis vinculo innodetur.

Super specula et infra.  Clearly, although the holy church does not reject the authority of secular leges that imitate the virtues of equity and justice, because laymen in France and several other provinces do not use the laws of the emperors, and because it rarely happens that there are ecclesiastical cases that cannot be resolved with canonical texts, as the sacred Bible teaches, et infra.  We firmly forbid and strictly prohibit that anyone presume to teach or study the Ius civile in Paris or in other cities or places nearby.  Whoever does so will not only be excluded from participating as an advocate in the <ecclesiastical> courts for awhile but will be excommunicated by the local bishop.