Gratian, Decretum,
Causa 26, Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 75, fol. 198v |
(ca. 1190),
Summa decretorum, ed. Přerovský,
D.1.c.7, s.v. item deposite:
Hoc de iure uel precepto euangelico, quo quis iubetur alii facere quod sibi
uult fieri et prohibetur alii facere quod sibi non uult fieri. Ratio
etiam et iudicium rationis approbat id restituendum fore quod apud me est
depositum uel michi est commodatum.
The return of property
or money that has been deposited or entrusted”: This by right (ius) or
evangelical command, in which anyone is ordered to do unto others what he
wishes to be done to him, and anyone is prohibited from doing unto others
what she would not wish to be done to her. Reason and the judgment of
reason approves restitution that was deposited with me or was entrusted to
me. |