The Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity

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Birth of Jesus  ca. 7-4 B.C.   Peter and Paul killed in Rome 64 A.D.
Everyone within the boundaries of the Roman Empire becomes a citizen  212 A.D. Romans celebrate the first Millenium 247-248 A.D.
Emperor Diocletian  284-305 A.D. Edicts of Diocletian forbidding Christian worship 303-305 A.D.
Emperor Constantine  306-337 A.D. Edict of Toleration for Christians 313 A.D.
Council of Nicaea  325 A.D.  


The Christian Empire struggles to survive

Huns arrive on the Don River 370 A.D. Visigoths enter Empire 376 with permission of Emperor  Valentinian I
Battle of Adrianople 378 A.D. Germanic tribes cross the Rhine 406 A.D.
Vandals invade Roman Africa 430 A.D. Rome is sacked by Vandals 455 A.D.
Attila the Hun is defeated 451 A.D. Last Roman Emperor in West Romulus Augustulus is killed 476 A.D.

The Eastern Roman Empire expands its boundaries and its influence

Emperor Justinian I 527-565 King of the Franks Clovis 481-511
Byzantine Reconquest of Italy and Western Mediterranean 536-555 Lombards invade Italy 568-572
Constantinople is besieged by Avars 629