Rudolf Weigand † 1996 |
Recently scholars have determined that the
same Rolandus who wrote the Stroma on Gratian's Decretum
also composed a theological treatise, the Sententie Rolandi Bononiensis
magistri. Rolandus son of Rainucci cannot be credited as
the author of any legal or theological work. He was, nonetheless, most
probably a learned theologian who taught for a while at Bologna (before ca.
1142). The proof is established from a comment by the canonist
Huguccio (ca. 1190) (C.2 q.6 c.31: Munich, Staatsbibl. 10247, fol. 109r:
“et Alexandro tertio Bononie residente in
cathedra magistrali in divina pagina ante appellatum eius;” the
abbot of Mont Saint Michel, Robert de Torigny also noted that Rolandus
taught theology in Bologna.
Rudolf Weigand, “Magister Rolandus und
Papst Alexander III.” Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht 149
(1980) 3-44 and Weigand’s "Glossen des Magister Rolandus zum Dekret Gratians.”
Miscellanea Rolando Bandinelli, Papa Alessandro III, ed. Filippo
Liotta. (Accademia senese degli intronati. Siena: 1986) 391-423. |