London, British Library Royal 10.E.iv, fol. 107r (Bottom)
Commentary on Decretals of Gregory IX,
Italian/French ca. 1300
Bernardus Parmensis (ca. 1250),
Glossa ordinaria to X 3.1.2 s.v. Clerici arma:
"Clerici arma portare non debent, xxiii.
questione ultima, Clerici et c. Quicumque (C.23 q.8 c.5 and c.6) sine iusta
causa. Iustam causam intellige si per loca periculosa transitum faciunt
tunc possunt portare arma ad terrorem latronum, licet percutere non debeant
ought not to bear arms . . . without a just reason. You may understand
just reason if they travel through dangerous territories then they may bear
arms to strike fear into robbers, although they ought not to strike)
Hostiensis (ca. 1270) Commentary
to X 3.1.2 s.v. Clerici arma:
"Quod intelligas ad impugnandum; nam ex causa arma defensionis possunt
portare . . . sed et laicis hoc interdictum est,
ut Cod. 11.47(46).1
. . . necessitate tamen iminente sufficit
. . . (Which
you should understand to mean "attacking." For clerics can bear arms for
reason of defense . . . even lay persons are forbidden to bear arms as in
the Codex . . . <but>
for reason of great necessity <they can> . . . )