Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Concordia 1337-1339
Sala della Pace, Palazzo Publico, Siena
Gratian and
Ius commune
C.21 q.1 dictum post c.4:
Potest etiam utrique tamquam
titulato presse set iure speciali non communi (A cleric can minister two
churches but only with a special right not on the basis of a universal
right). Only in the Vulgate Recension
A very early gloss clarified Gratian’s dictum by
Idest specialis priuilegii datum papa, quia aliter non posset nisi papa
dispensaret, quia de iure communi non posset (that is with a special
privilege given by the pope, because otherwise he could not, unless the pope
would have dispensed, because he could not be dispensed from an
Heiligenkreuz, Siftsbibliothek 44, fol. 178rb. |