Firenze, Santa Croce Plut. 1 sin.1 fol. 200v
Item Ambrosius in sermone Quadragesimae, Pervenit ad nos fama sinistra
C.16 q.7 c.3; C16 q.7 c.4 (Idem. Quicumque recognoverit)
Gratian C.16 q.7
Dictum ante c.1
Gregorius VII ait: Decimas quas in usum---distribuat
Pervenit ad nos fama sinistra etc. joined to the end Decimas quas in usum as in Collection in Three Books
c.2 [
F=c.4]: Ambrosius: Quicumque recognoverit---venatione sua
c.3 [
F=c.5]: Ex concilio Rotomagensi: Omnes decimae terrae---santificantur.   Sed quid modo multi inveniuntur---emendationem congruam added to Omnes decimae; Text is unknown
c.4 [
F=c.6]: Ex concilio Magontiensi: Decimas Deo

Friedberg c.2 Palea Congregato apud Claromontensem attributed to Urban II omitted; later added to 1 Comp. 3.32.1 (X 3.37.1) where the canon is also attributed to Urban II; not in any Urban texts