Vatican Archives Register 6, fol. 72r (Innocent
III's Sixth Pontifical Year) |
Lateran Council
c.8 [4
Comp. 5.1.4(X 5.1.24)]
Rights of the
Defendant (Iura rei) |
Debet igitur esse praesens is, contra quem facienda sit inquisitio,
nisi se per contumaciam absentaverit, et exponenda sunt ei illa capitula,
de quibus fuerit inquirendum, ut facultatem habeat defendendi se ipsum. Et
non solum dicta, sed etiam nomina ipsa
testium sunt ei, ut quid et a quo sit dictum appareat, publicanda,
non exceptiones et replicationes legitimae admittendae, ne per
suppressionem nominum infamandi, per exceptionum vero exclusionem
deponendi falsum audacia praebeatur. |
person about whom the inquiry is being made ought to be present, unless he
absents himself contumaciously. The
list of accusations must be explained to him so that he has the ability to
defend himself.
The testimony and the names of witnesses
must be presented so that what has been said and by whom will be apparent.
exceptions of the defendant and contrary exceptions of the plaintiffs must
be heard. The suppression of the names
of witnesses leads to false charges and the exclusion of exceptions leads
to false depositions.
based on Norman P. Tanner, Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils
D.C. 1990) 1.237-239 |