Torino, Bibliotheca Nazionale
Universitaria E.I.1c.4
Justinian, Digest 1.1
the origins of the maxim "ne crimina remaneant impunita" see K.
Pennington, "Innocent III and the Ius commune," Grundlagen
des Rechts: Festschrift für Peter Landau zum 65. Geburtstag,
herausgegeben von Richard Helmholz, Paul Mikat, Jörg Müller, Michael
Stolleis (Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der
Görres-Gesellschaft, NF 91; Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2000)
352-354 |
Accusatorial to Inquisitorial Procedure
A signpost
for the development of the inquisitorial procedure is the birth of an
important maxim of criminal law, publicae
utilitatis intersit ne crimina remaneant impunita (It
is in the interest of the public good that crimes do not remain unpunished)
during the pontificate of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216). Ne
crimina remaneant impunita became
a standard maxim of the Ius commune in the later Middle Ages. It was used by
the jurists to signal the duty that princes and judges had to prosecute
crime. Like many of the rules of law that became part of medieval
jurisprudence, elements of the maxim had its origins in Roman law, but its
final form was shaped by the medieval jurists of the Ius commune.