Sandro Botticelli, Story of Nastagio
degli Onesti 1482
Decameron Day 5 Story 8 |
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Decameron
(1348-1350) Day 6 Novella 7
Madonna Filippa deceived her
husband Rinaldo de' Pugliesi by sleeping with Lazzarino de'
Guazzagliotri in the town of
Filippa was told by the Podestà
(Judge) of Prato that the law dictated death for adultery
"Every man and woman should be
equal before the law, and laws must have the
consent of those who are affected by them . . . when
this law was made, no woman gave her consent
to it, nor was any woman even so much as consulted.
It can therefore be described as a very bad law." (Le leggi deono esser
comuni e fatte con consentimento de coloro a cui toccano . .
. e oltre a questo, non che alcuna donna, quando fatta fu, ci prestasse
consentitmento, ma niuna ce ne fu mai chiamata, per le quali cose
meritamente malvagia si puo chiamare.)
Ken Pennington,
“A Note to Decameron 6.7:
The Wit of Madonna Filippa,”
Speculum 52 (1977) 902-905