Medieval and Early Modern Jurists: A Bio-Bibliographical Listing  

Detail from Tomb of Mondino de' Liuzzi (� 1326),

 sculpted by Roso (Boso) da Parma,

Church of San Vitale, Bologna

With the support of the Ames Foundation (, this site is being completely revamped during this academic year (2011 to the present).  The results are now available at the link above.  We are expanding the chronological coverage to 1750 and will (slowly) include civilian jurists in our data base.  This site was first put online in 1993 and was compiled for the History of Medieval Canon Law project with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities (1989-1996), the Gerda Henkel Stiftung (1988-1992), the Werner Reimers Stiftung (1990-1991), and the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (1993-1996).  It now continues with the generous support of the Ames Foundation.

The entries are still being up-dated regularly. If you have additions or corrections, please send them to Ken Pennington

The listings are divided into two parts, 1140-1298 and 1298-1500. Collections are listed by their most common title and the canonists are alphabetized by their first names.  The abbreviations are those used by the Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law and can be found in the List of Abbreviations of that journal.

Collections and Jurists: 1140-1298

Collections and Jurists: 1298-1500


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