Curriculum vitae

Name: Kenneth Pennington

Status: Married, two children

Born: Salem, New Jersey, October 6, 1941

Education: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee B.A. 1965

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee M.A. 1967

Cornell University Ph.D. 1972

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Ken Pennington
Kelly-Quinn Professor of Ecclesiastical and Legal History Emeritus (2017)
The Columbus School of Law and The School of Canon Law
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC  20064



328 Caldwell Hall

Home tel.: 202-821-8799

Home Address:

1350 E Street SE Apt. 541

Washington, DC 20003


University and Professional Positions Editorial Positions Grants and Memberships
Books Articles Reviews

University and Professional Positions:

Assistant professor of history, Syracuse University, 1971-1975
Associate professor of history, Syracuse University, 1975-1984
Professor of history, Syracuse University 1984-2001,   Chair, Department of History 2000-2001

Professor of Law, The Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 2001-Jan. 1 2017

Kelly-Quinn Professor of Ecclesiastical and Legal History,  The School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 2001-2008

Kelly-Quinn Professor of Ecclesiastical and Legal History, The School of Canon Law, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 2008-Jan. 1, 2017 Emeritus

Board of Directors, Institute of Medieval Canon Law, Berkeley, California, 1988-1996
Board of Directors, Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law, Munich, Germany 1996-
Co-Director (with Manlio Bellomo and Orazio Condorelli), International School of Ius Commune, Ettore Majorana Center, Erice Sicily, 1993-

Secretary for North America, Iuris canonici medii aevi consociatio (Society for Medieval Canon Law) 1992-1996
Vice-President, Iuris canonici medii aevi consociatio (Society for Medieval Canon Law) 1996-2000
President, Iuris canonici medii aevi consociatio (Society for Medieval Canon Law) 2000-2008
Fellow, Medieval Academy of America  1998-
Member, Nominating Committee, Medieval Academy of America  1998-2000, 2013-2014
Corresponding Member of the Board of Directors, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, 2000-
Chair, Department of History, Syracuse University 2000-2001
Visiting Professor, University of Catania, December 2004

Comitato Scientifico, Istituto per le Scienze Religiose, Bologna 2001-2011

Corresponding member of the Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche 2012-2017

Comitato Scientifico, Istituto per le Scienze Religiose, Bologna 2001-2011

Corresponding member of the Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche 2012-201

Editorial Positions 

Editor of Series: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law, Catholic University Press, 1987-present
Associate editor of the Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 1975-1988
Editor of the Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 1988-
Co-Editor (with Peter Landau) of the Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, 1991-2019
Board of Editors, Rivista internazionale di diritto comune, 1993-
Board of Editors, Folia canonica, 2001-

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, Politische Philosophie und Rechtstheorie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit 2010-

Board of Editors, Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica 2011-

Board of Editors, The Jurist 2008-

Comitato Scientifico, Studia Gratiana 2012-

Comitato Scientifico Internazionale, Ephemerides iuris canonici 2013-

Comitato Scientifico, Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa 2015-

Comitato Scientifico, Atti e memorie della Deputazione di storia patria per le province di Romagna 2021-



Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, 1969-1970, Universität München
Fellow, Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Summer, 1974, Duke University
Fellow, Institute of Medieval Canon Law, Law School, University of California, Berkeley, 1974-1975
American Philosophical Society, 1972, 1973, 1983
American Council of Learned Societies, research fellowship, 1980-1981
Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Summer, 1983, at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München
Senior research fellow, Fulbright Program, 1985-1986, at Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München
Gerda Henkel Stiftung, research fellowship, 1986-1987, at Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München
American Council of Learned Societies Grant, 1990: Travel fellowships for graduate students to attend School of Ius commune in Erice
Research Grant for Project "History of Medieval Canon Law," Gerda Henkel Stiftung, 1988-1992
Grant for Workshop in Bad Homburg, Germany, Werner Reimers Stiftung, July 11-19, 1990 and July, 1992
Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Summer, 1989, at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München
Grant from Reference Materials: Tools, Division of Research Programs, National Endowment for the Humanities, for Project "History of Medieval Canon Law," 1989-1996
Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Summer, 1992, at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München
Research grant for Project "History of Medieval Canon Law," Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Transcoop Grant, 1993-1996
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant, 1995-1996, 1998-1999, 2003, 2005, 2006-2007: Travel fellowships for graduate students and junior faculty to attend School of the Ius commune in Erice 
Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Summer, 2005, at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München
Grant from Fundación Derecho y Europa, 2007-2012

Ames Foundation, Harvard University Law School 2011-2013

Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Summer, 2013, at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München

Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Summer, 2018, at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, München

Memberships: American Historical Association, Medieval Academy of America, Roman Law Society of America, Iuris canonici medii aevi consociatio, Catholic Historical Association


Gateway Faculty Member, Syracuse University 1989-2001 (Teaching award).

Chancellor's Citation for Distinguished Scholarship, Syracuse University 1996

Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America, 1998-

Festschrift on Sixty-Fifth Birthday: Müller, Wolfgang Peter and Mary E. Sommar, edd.  Medieval Church Law and the Origins of the Western Legal Tradition: A Tribute to Kenneth Pennington.   Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press of America, 2006

Catholic Historical Association's Teacher of the Year 2011




Johannis Teutonici Apparatus glossarum in Compilationem tertiam (Monumenta iuris canonici, Series A, vol. 3.1; Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1981), xxxi.364 pp.  

Major Reviews: Charles Donahue in American Journal of Legal History 30 (1986) 79-85. Jacqueline Tarrant in Speculum 60 (1985) 985-987. Rudolf Weigand in Historische Zeitschrift 236 (1983) 437-438.

Pope and Bishops: The Papal Monarchy in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984), xiii.225 pp.  

Major Reviews: Richard Helmholz in Speculum 60 (1985) 1011-1013. Joseph Canning in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 123-125. Colin Morris in The Journal of Theological Studies 36 (1985) 516-520. Ludwig Schmugge in Historische Zeitschrift 242 (1986) 678-681. Jane Sayers in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 72 (1986) 428-434. Rudolf Weigand in Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht 154 (1985) 391-395. Antonio García y García in Revista española de derecho canónico 43 (1986) 298-300. John A. Watt in Catholic Historical Review 73 (1987) 305-306 

 Popes, Canonists, and Texts 1150-1550 (Collected Studies Series 412; Aldershot: Variorum, 1993), x.363 pp.

Major Reviews: Jean Gaudemet in Revue historique de droit 72 (1994) 65-66. Antonio García y García in Revista española de derecho canónico 51 (1994) 886-887. 

 The Prince and the Law, 1200-1600: Sovereignty and Rights in the Western Legal Tradition(Berkeley-Los Angeles-London: University of California Press, 1993), xiv.335 pp. Designated a "Centennial Book" by the University of California Press.

Translated into Polish, Władca i prawo (1200-1600): Suwerenność monarchy a prawa poddanych w zachodnioeuropejskiej tradycji prawnej, przekład Anna Pysiak, redakcja naukowa Jerzy Pysiak.  Biblioteka Humanisty.  Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2012. 

Major Reviews: Gordon Leff in The Times Literary Supplement, January 14, 1994, p. 24. Charles Reid in Michigan Law Review 92 (1994) 1646-1674. J.H. Burns in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 45 (1994) 499-500. Robert Figueira in Speculum 70 (1995) 667-671. Francis Oakley in American Historical Review 100 (1995) 886. Bryce Lyon in Manuscripta 37 (1993) 208-210. Retha M. Warnicke in Renaissance Quarterly 47 (1994) 390-391. Joseph H. Lynch in Medievalia et Humanistica 21 (1994) 194-196. Knut Wolfgang Nörr in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 81 (1995) 464-468. Maurice Keen, in English Historical Review 111 (1996) 441-443.   Robert Van Answaarden, in Journal of Modern History 69 (1997) 812-813. Jürgen Miethke in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 53 (1997) 735-736.

Edited with R. Somerville: Law, Church and Society: Essays in Honor of Stephan Kuttner (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977), xii.340 pp.
Edited with S. Kuttner: Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Salamanca 1976 (Monumenta iuris canonici, Series C, vol. 6; Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1980), xxxi.588 pp.

Edited with S. Kuttner: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Berkeley 1980 (Monumenta iuris canonici, Series C, vol. 7; Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1985), xxix.665 pp.


Edited with S. Chodorow and Keith H. Kendall: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Syracuse 1996 (Monumenta iuris canonici, Series C, vol. 11; Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2001), xxiii.1025 pp.

Edited with U.-R. Blumenthal and Atria A. Larson. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Washington, D.C. 2004 (Monumenta iuris canonici, Series C, vol. 13; Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2008), xxxviii.1135 pp.

Edited with Wilfried Hartmann. The History of Canon Law in the Classical Period, 11401234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008), xiv.442 pp.

Edited with Melodie Harris Eichbauer, Law as Profession and Practice in Medieval Europe: Essays in Honor  of James A. Brundage, (Ashgate: 2011)



Edited with Wilfried Hartmann, The History of Courts and Procedure in Medieval Canon Law (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington, DC: The Catholic University Press of America, 2016)


Edited with David Napolitano, A Cultural History of Democracy in the Medieval Age (London-New York-Oxford-New Delhi-Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021)


Other Volumes in the History of Medieval Canon Law, Catholic University Press of America

(edited with Wilfried Hartmann, Universität Tübingen)

Canonical Collections of the Early Middle Ages (ca. 400-1140): A Bibliographical Guide   the Manuscripts and Literature, compiled by Lotte Kéry (1999)

Papal Letters in the Early Middle Ages,
Detlev Jasper and Horst Fuhrmann (2001)
The History of Byzantine and Eastern Canon Law to 1500 (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington D.C. The Catholic University Press of America, 2012), xviii.356 pp.


Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law, Catholic University Press of America, edited Ken Pennington

1. The Two Laws: Studies in Medieval Legal History Dedicated to Stephan Kuttner, edited by Laurent Mayali and Stephanie Tibbetts (1990)
2. Gratian, The Treatise on Laws, trans. by Augustine Thompson, James Gordley, with an introduction by Katherine Christensen (1993)
3. Wolfgang P. Müller, Huguccio: The Life, Works, and Thought of a Twelfth-Century Jurist (1994)
4. Manlio Bellomo, The Common Legal Past of Europe, 1000-1800 (1995)
5. Elizabeth Makowski, Canon Law and Cloistered Women: Periculoso and Its Commentators 1298-1545 (1997)
6. Elizabeth Makowski, "A Pernicious Sort of Woman: Quasi-Religious Women and Canon Lawyers in the Later Middle Ages. (2005)
7. Kirsi Salonen and Ludwig Schmugge, A Sip from the AWell of Grace@: Medieval Texts from the Apostolic Penitentiary (2008)
8. Michael Edward Moore, A Sacred Kingdom:  Bishops and the Rise of Frankish Kingship, 300-850  (2011)
9. Massimo Vallerani,  Medieval Public Justice.  Translated by Sarah Rubin Blanshei.  (2012)
10. Ludwig Schmugge, Marriage on Trial:  Late Medieval German Couples at the Papal Court.  Translated by Atria A. Larson (2012)

11. Atria Larson, Master of Penance: Gratian and the Development of Penitential Thought and Law in the Twelfth Century (2013)

12. Brian Tierney, Liberty and Law:  The Idea of Permissive Natural Law, 1100-1800 (2014)

13. John C. Wei, Gratian the Theologian (2016)

14. Atria A. Larson, Gratian’s Tractatus de penitentia:  A New Latin Edition with English Translation (2016)

15. Steve A. Schoenig, Bonds of Wool: The Pallium and Papal Power in the Middle Ages (2016)

16. Caroline Sherman, Uses of the Dead:  The Early Modern Development of the Cy-Près Doctrine (2017)
17. Roy Flechner, The Hibernensis 2 volumes (2019)
18. Peter Linehan, España Pontificia (2022)

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1. “Bartolomé de Las Casas and the Tradition of Medieval Law,” Church History  39 (1970) 149-61

 2. “A `Consilium' of Johannes Teutonicus,”  Traditio 26 (1970) 435-40

 3. “Summae on Raymond de Pennafort's Summa de casibus in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich,” Traditio 27 (1971) 471-80

 4. “The Libellus of Telesphorus and the Decretals of Gregory IX,”  The Courier of the Syracuse University Library 11 (1973) 17-26

 5. “The Rite for Taking the Cross in the Twelfth Century,” Traditio 30 (1974) 429-35

 6. “The Legal Education of Pope Innocent III,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 4 (1974) 70-77

 7. “The Manuscripts of Johannes Teutonicus' Apparatus to Compilatio tertia:  Some Considerations on the Stemma,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 4 (1974) 17-31

 8. “The French Recension of Compilatio tertia,”  Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 5 (1975) 53-71

9. “Pluralism and the Canonists in the Thirteenth Century,” Speculum  51 (1976) 35-48

 10. “A Note to Decameron 6.7:  The Wit of Madonna Filippa,”  Speculum 52 (1977) 902-905

 11. “Pope Innocent III's Views on Church and State:  A Gloss to Per venerabilem,”  Law, Church and Society (Philadelphia:  University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977)  49-67

 12. “Cum causam que:  A Decretal of Innocent III,”  Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 7 (1977) 100-103

 13. APro peccatis patrum puniri:  A Moral and Legal Problem of the Inquisition,@ PublisP

 14. “The Making of a Decretal Collection:  The Genesis of Compilatio tertia,”  Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Salamanca 1976 (Vatican City: 1980) 67-92

 15. “Johannes Teutonicus and Papal Legates,” Archivum Historiae Pontificiae 21 (1983) 183-94

16. “The Epitaph of Johannes Teutonicus,”  Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 13 (1983) 61-62

 17. “Epistolae Alexandrinae:  A Collection of Pope Alexander III's Letters,” Miscellanea  Rolando Bandinelli, papa Alessandro III, ed. Filippo Liotta (Accademia senese degli Intronati; Siena: 1986) 337-353

 18. “A `Quaestio' of Henricus de Segusio and the Textual Tradition of his `Summa super decretalibus',” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 16 (1986) 91-96

 19. “An Earlier Recension of Hostiensis's Lectura on the Decretals,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 17 (1987) 77-90

 20. “Law, Legislative Authority, and Theories of Government, 1150-1300,” The Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought c. 350-c. 1450, ed. J.H. Burns (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1988) 424-53; French Translation in: Histoire de la pensée politique médiévale 350-1450.  Ed. J.H. Burns;  Trans. Jacques Ménard (Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1993) 428-49

 21. “Johannes Andreae's Additiones to the Decretals of Gregory IX,” Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 74 (1988) 328-347

 22. “The Consilia of Baldus de Ubaldis,” Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 56 (1988) 85-92

23. “Panormitanus's Lectura on the Decretals of Gregory IX,” Fälschungen im Mittelalter: Internationaler Kongreß der Monumenta Germaniae Historica München, 16.-19. September 1986: Gefälschte Rechtstexte: Der bestrafte Fälscher (Schriften der Monumenta Germaniae Historica 33.1-6; Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1988) Vol. 2, 363-73

 24. “Gregory IX, Emperor Frederick II, and the Constitutions of Melfi,”  Popes, Teachers and Canon Law in the Middle Ages: Festschrift for Brian Tierney, edd. Stanley Chodorow and James Ross Sweeney (Ithaca, New York and London: Cornell University Press, 1989) 53-61

 25. “Lotharius of Cremona,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 20 (1990) 43-50. Reprinted in Miscellanea Domenico Maffei dicata: Historia-Ius-Studium, edd. Antonio García y García and Peter Weimar (Goldbach: Keip Verlag, 1995) Volume 1: 231-238

 26. “Il diritto dell'accusato: L'origine medievale del regolare procedimento legale,” La parola all'accusato, edd. Jean-Claude Maire Vigueur and Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (Palermo: Sellerio, 1991) 33-41

 27. “Henry VII and Robert of Naples,”  Das Publikum politischer Theorie im 14. Jahrhundert, ed. Jürgen Miethke, with help of Arnold Bühler (Schriften des Historisches Kolleg, Kolloquien 21; München:  R. Oldenbourg, 1992) 81-92

 28. “The Authority of the Prince in a Consilium of Baldus de Ubaldis,” Studia in honorem Eminentissimi Cardinalis Alfonsi M. Stickler, ed. Rosalio Iosepho Card. Castillo Lara (Studia et Textus Historiae Iuris Canonici 7; Rome: Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, 1992) 483-515

 29. “Medieval Law,” Medieval Studies: An Introduction,  ed. James M. Powell (2nd Ed. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1992) 333-352

 30. “Stephan Kuttner,” Der Einfluss deutscher Emigranten auf die Rechtsentwicklung in den USA und in Deutschland: Vorträge und Referate des Bonner Symposions im September 1991. Edd. Marcus Lutter, Ernst C. Stiefel, and Michael H. Hoeflich.  Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1993: 361-364

 31. “Enrico da Susa, detto l'Ostiense (Hostiensis, Henricus de Segusio o Segusia),” Dizionario biografico degli Italiani  42 (Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 1993) 758-763 and in English AHenricus de Segusio (Hostiensis),@ Popes, Canonists, and Texts 1150-1550 (Collected Studies Series 412; Aldershot: Variorum, 1993) article XVI

 32. “Learned Law, Droit Savant, Gelehrtes Recht: The Tyranny of a Concept,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 5 (1994) 197-209 and Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 20 (1994) 205-215

 33. “The Pazzi Conspiracy and the Jurists,”  Cristianità ed Europa: Miscellanea di studi in onore di Luigi Prosdocimi. Ed. Cesare Alzati. (1 Volumes in 2 parts. Roma-Freiburg-Wien: Herder, 1994) Volume 1.2: 635-648

 34. “Interpretation of Privileges: Raoul of Chennevières's Repetition to Volentes (VI 5.7.1),” De iure canonico medii aevi:  Festschrift für Rudolf Weigand (Studia Gratiana 27; Rome: 1996) 465-480.

35. “Roman and Secular Law,”  Medieval Latin: An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide, edd. F.A.C. Mantello and A.G. Rigg (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press of America, 1996) 254-266

 36. AThe Spirit of Legal History,@  The University of Chicago Law Review 64 (1997) 1097-1116

37. ABaldus de Ubaldis,@ Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 8 (1997) 35-61 

38. AAllegationes, Solutiones, and Dubitationes:  Baldus de Ubaldis' Revisions of his Consilia,@ Die Kunst der Disputation: Probleme der Rechtsauslegung und Rechtsanwendung im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert, ed. Manlio Bellomo (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, Kolloquien 38; München:  R. Oldenbourg, 1997) 29-72

 39. “The History of Rights in Western Thought,” Emory Law Journal 47 (1998) 237‑252

 40. “Due Process, Community, and the Prince in the Evolution of the Ordo iudiciarius,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 9 (1998) 9‑47

 41. ANicholaus de Tudeschis (Panormitanus),@  Niccolò Tedeschi (Abbas Panormitanus) e i suoi Commentaria in Decretales, ed. Orazio Condorelli (Roma: Il Cigno Galileo Galilei, 2000) 9-36 Also published on CD Rom: Nicholaus de Tudeschis (Abbas Panormitanus) Commentaria in Decretales Gregorii IX et in Clementinas Epistolas (Edizioni Informatiche, Roma: Il Cigno Galileo Galilei, 2000)

42. AInnocent III and the Ius commune,@ Grundlagen des Rechts: Festschrift für Peter Landau zum   65. Geburtstag, herausgegeben von Richard Helmholz, Paul Mikat, Jörg Müller, Michael Stolleis (Rechts‑ und Staatswissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Görres-Gesellschaft, NF 91; Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2000) 349-366

 43. AThe Ius commune, Suretyship, and Magna carta,@ Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 11 (2000) 255-274

 44. AInnocent Until Proven Guilty: The Origins of a Legal Maxim,@ A Ennio Cortese (3 Volumes. Roma: Il Cigno Galileo Galilei Edizioni,  2001) 3.59-73, a revised version  translated into Italian as AInnocente fino a prova contraria: Le origini di una massima giuridica,@ Processo penale e tutela dei diritti nell=ordinamento canonico, ed. Davide Cito (Milano: Giuffré Editore, 2005) 33-61, and also revised and published in English in 63 The Jurist  (2003) 106-124 and in The Penal Process and the Protection of Rights in Canon Law: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 25-26, 2004, edited by Patricia Dugan (Collection Gratianus Series; Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2005) 45-66 and published in French La procédure pénale et la protection des droits dans la législation canonique: Actes d=un colloque tenu à Université pontificate de la Sainte-Croix, Rome, les 25 et 26 mars 2004. edited by Patricia M. Dugan (Collection Gratianus Series; Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2008) 41-69.

 45. APanormitanus= Additiones to Novit ille [X 2.1.13] in his Commentary on the Decretales,@ AIns Wasser geworfen und Ozeane durchquert@: Festschrift für Knut Wolfgang Nörr, edd. Mario Ascheri et al. (Köln-Weimar-Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2003) 697-707 and Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 13 (2002) 39-51.

 46. APope Alexander III,@ The Great Popes through History: An Encyclopedia, ed. Frank J. Coppa (2 volumes Westport: Greenwood Press, 2002) 1.113-122.

47. ABishops and their Dioceses,@ Folia canonica 5 (2002) 7-17 and  Territorialità e personalità nel diritto canonico ed ecclesiastico: Il dirrito canonico di fronte al terzo millennio: Atti dell= XI Congresso Internazionale di Diritto Canonico e del XV Congresso Internazionale della Società per il Diritto delle Chiese Orientali, edd. Péter Erdö and Péter Szabó (Budapest: Szent István Társulat az Apostoli Szentszék Könyvkiadója, 2002) 123-135.

48. AGratian, Causa 19, and the Birth of Canonical Jurisprudence,@ La cultura giuridico-canonica medioevale: Premesse per un dialogo ecumenico, edd.  Enrique de León and Nicolàs Álvarez (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Monografie Giuridiche 22; Milano: Giuffrè, 2003) 215-236 and an expanded version in APanta rei@: Studi dedicati a Manlio Bellomo,ed.  Orazio Condorelli (Roma: Il Cigno, 2004) 4.339-355.

 49. ASovereignty and Rights  in  Medieval and Early Modern Jurisprudence: Law and Norms without a State,@ Rethinking the State in the Age of Globalisation: Catholic Thought and Contemporary Political Theory, ed.  Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven and James Turner (Politik: Forschung und Wissenschaft, 10; Münster: LIT Verlag, 2003) 117-141 and in Roman Law as Formative of Modern Legal Systems: Studies in Honour of Wies»aw Litewski.  Edd. J. Sondel, J. Reszczy½ski, and P. ÐciÑlicki.  (2 Volumes. Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 2003) 2.25-36

50. AWas Baldus an Absolutist?  The Evidence of his Consilia,@ Politische Reflexion in der Welt des späten Mittelalters: Political Thought in the Age of Scholasticism: Essays in Honour of Jürgen Miethke, ed. Martin Kaufhold (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, 103; Leiden: Brill, 2004) 305-319 and VI Centenario della morte di Baldo degli Ubladi 1400-2000, ed. Carla Frova, Maria Grazia Nico Ottaviani, and Stefania Zucchini (Perugia: Università degli Studi, 2005) 1-16

51. AThe Birth of the Modern Nation State in the Work of Helene Wieruszowski,@ A Medievalist=s Odyssey: Helene Wieruszowski, Scholar  (Uomini e dottrine, 41. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2004) 17-23

52. ARepresentation in Medieval Canon Law,@ The Jurist 64 (2004) 361-383 and in Repræsentatio: Mapping a Key Word for Churches and Governance: Proceedings of the Sam Miniato International Workshop, October 13-16, 2004, ed. Alberto Melloni and Massimo Faggioli (Münster-Hamberg-Berlin-Wien-London: LIT, 2006) 21-40

 53. AThe Formation of the Jurisprudence of the Feudal Oath of Fealty,@ Rivista internazionale del diritto comune 15 (2004) 57- 76       

 54. AThe Church from Pope Innocent III to Pope Gregory IX@  Domenico di Caleruega e la nascita dell=ordine dei frati predicatori: Atti del XLI Convegno storico internazionale Todi, 10-12 ottobre 2004 (Centro Italiano di Studi sul Basso Medioevo C Accademia Tudertina.  Spoleto: Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull=Alto Medioevo, 2005) 25-37

 55. ALa legge nelle tradizioni Christiane,@ Il Cristianesimo Grande Atlante, 2: Ordinamenti, gerarchie, pratiche, ed. Giuseppe Alberigo, Giuseppe Ruggieri, Roberto Rusconi (Torino: UTET, 2006) 2.647-663

 56.  ACanon Law in the Late Middle Ages: The Need and the Opportunity,@ Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Catania, 30 July - 6 August 2000, Monumenta iuris canonici, Series C: Subsidia 12. edd. Manlio Bellomo and Orazio Condorelli. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2006: 31-42

 57.  AThe Normans in Palermo: King Roger II=s Legislation,@ The Haskins Society Journal 18 (2006) 140-167

 58.  AThe Birth of the Ius commune:  King Roger II=s Legislation,@ Rivista internazionale del diritto comune 17 (2006) 1-40

 59. AThe Growth of Church Law,@ The Cambridge History of Christianity, 2: Constantine to c. 600, ed. Frederick Norris and Augustine Casiday (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) 386-402

 60. APolitics in Western Jurisprudence,@ The Jurists= Philosophy of Law from Rome to the Seventeenth Century, edd. Andrea Padovani and Peter G. Stein (A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence 7; Dordrecht: Springer, 2007) 157-211          

 61. APortugal, the Ius commune, and the Law of the European Union,@ European Union Issues from a Portuguese Perspective, ed. Marshall J. Breger and Markus G. Puder (Columbus School of Law Studies in Comparative Law, Washington, DC: Columbus School of Law, 2007) 158-164

 62.  (with Wolfgang P. Müller) AThe Decretists: The Italian School,@ The History of Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140‑1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, edited by Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008) 121-173

 63. AThe Decretalists 1190-1234,@ The History of Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140‑1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, edited by Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008) 211-245 

64. ADecretal Collections 1190-1234,@ The History of Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140‑1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, edited by Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008) 293-317

 65. AThe Practical Use of Roman Law in the Early Twelfth-Century,@ Handlung und Wissenschaft: Die Epistemologie der Praktischen Wissenschaften im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert, edd. Matthias Lutz-Bachmann and Alexander Fidora (Wissenskultur und Gesellschaftlicher Wandel 29; Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2008) 11-31

 66. ALex naturalis and Ius naturale,@ The Jurist 68 (2008) 569-591; slightly revised version in Crossing Boundaries at Medieval Universities, ed. Spencer E. Young (Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 36.  Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2011) 227-253

 67. AThe >Big Bang=: Roman Law in the Early Twelfth-Century,@ Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 18 (2007) 43-70

 68.  ATorture and Fear:  Enemies of Justice,@ Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 19 (2008)  203-242

 69. “ Torture in the Ius commune,”  Mélanges en l’honneur d’Anne Lefebvre-Teillard, ed. Bernard d’Alteroche, Florence Demoulin-Auzary, Olivier Descamps, Franck Roumy (Paris:  Éditions Panthéon-Assas, 2009) 813-838  

 70. “Roman Law, 12th Century Law and Legislation,” Von der Ordunug zur Norm: Statuten in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Edited by Gisela Drossbach (Paderborn-München-Wien-Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2010) 17-38

71. “Lex and ius in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries,”   Lex and Ius:  Essays on the Foundation of Law in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, ed. Alexander Fidora, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, Andreas Wagner (Stuttgart-Bad-Cannstatt:  frommann-holzboog: 2010) 1-25

 72. AGiuseppe Dossetti=s Medieval Sources,@  Essays in Honor of Sister Rose McDermott, S.S.J., ed. Robert J. Kaslyn  (Institutiones iuris ecclesiae 1;  Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, School of Canon Law, 2010) 25-34

 73. ABetween Naturalistic and Positivistic Concepts of Human Rights,@ Vetera Novis Augere: Studia i prace dedykowane Profesorowi Wacławowi Uruszczakowi, edited by Stanisław Grodziski, Dorota Malec, Anna Karabowicz, Marek Stus (2 vols. Krakow: Jagellonian University Press,  2010) 2.845-851

 74. ARights,@ Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy, ed.  George Klosko (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011) 530-543

 75. “Feudal Oath of Fidelity and Homage,” Law as Profession and Practice in Medieval Europe: Essays in Honor  of James A. Brundage, edited by Kenneth Pennington and Melodie Harris Eichbauer (Ashgate 2011) 93-115

 76. “The Constitutiones of King Roger II of Sicily in Vat. lat. 8782,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 21 (2010) 35-54

  77. “Roman Law at the Papal Curia in the Early Twelfth Century,” Canon Law,  Religion, and Politics: Liber Amicorum Robert Somerville, edited by Uta-Renate Blumenthal, Anders Winroth, and Peter Landau (Washington, DC: The Catholic University Press of America, 2012) 233-252

 78. "Women on the Rack:  Torture and Gender in the Ius commune,” Recto ordine procedit magister: Liber amicorum E.C. Coppens, edited by Jan Hallebeek . Louis Berkvens, Jan Hallebeek, Georges Martyn, and Paul Nève (Iuris Scripta Historica 28; Brussels: Royal Flemish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1212) 243-257

79. “The Beginning of Roman Law Jurisprudence and Teaching in the Twelfth Century:  The Authenticae,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 22 (2011) 35-53

 80. “The Law’s Violence against Medieval and Early Modern Jews,”  Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 23 (2012) 23-44

 81. “ Gratian and the Jews,”  Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 31 (2014) 111-124.  Also published in Honos alit artes: Studi per il settantesimo compleanno di Mario Ascheri: La formazione del diritto comune: Giuristi e diritti in Europa (secoli XII-XVIII),  edd Paola Maffei and Gian Maria Varanini (Reti Medievali E-Book19.1; Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2014) 397-405.

 82. “The Biography of Gratian: The Father of Canon Law,” University of Villanova Law Review 59 (2014) 679-706

 83. “Moderamen inculpatae tutelae: The Jurisprudence of a Justifiable Defense,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 24  (2013) 27-55

 84. (with Atria A. Larson), “Concilium lateranense III 1179,”  Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta, 2: The Oecumenical Councils of the Roman Catholic Church, ed. Alberto Melloni et alii.  Corpus Christianorum.  Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2013) 115-147

 85. (with Atria A. Larson), “Concilium lugdunense I 1245,”  Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta, 2: The Oecumenical Councils of the Roman Catholic Church, ed. Alberto Melloni et alii.  Corpus Christianorum.  Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2013) 205-245

 86. “Gratian and Compurgation,”  Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 31 (2014) 253-256

  87.  Ecclesiastical Law in Early Modern Europe,” Cambridge History of Reformation Theology, edd. Kenneth G. Appold and Nelson Minnich (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) in press

88. “La biografia di Graziano, il Padre del diritto canonico,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 25  (2014) 25-60

89. “Protestant Ecclesiastical Law and the Ius commune,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 26 (2015) 9-36


90. “Reform in 1215: Magna Carta and the Fourth Lateran Council,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 32 (2015) 99-127


91. “Introduction to the Courts,” The History of Courts and Procedure in Medieval Canon Law, edd. Wilfrid Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington, DC: The Catholic University Press of America, 2016) 3-29


92. “The Jurisprudence of Procedure,” The History of Courts and Procedure in Medieval Canon Law, edd. Wilfrid Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington (History of Medieval Canon Law; Washington, DC: The Catholic University Press of America, 2016) 125-159


93. “Ecclesiastical Liberty on the Eve of the Reformation,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 33 (2016) 185-207 also in Alla ricerca di soluzioni: Nuova luce sul Concilio lateranense V: Studi per I 500 anni del Concilio, ed. Nelson H. Minnich (Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche, Atti Documenti 48. Città del Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2019)77-94.


94. “Western Legal Collections in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Century,” Religious Minorities in Christian, Jewish and Muslim Law (5th – 15th Centuries), edd. John Tolan, Capucine Nemo-Pekelman, Jerzy Mazur, N. Berend, and Youna Masset (Relmin 8; Turnholt: Brepols, 2017) 77-98


95. “Irnerius and Odofredus,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 28 (2017) 11-27


96. “Legista sine canonibus parum valet, canonista sine legibus nihil,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 34 (2017) 249-258


97. “The Fourth Lateran Council, its Legislation, and the Development of Legal Procedure”, The Fourth Lateran Council: Institutional Reform and Spiritual Renewal: Proceedings of the Conference Marking the Eighth Hundredth Anniversary of the Council Organized by the Pontificio Comitato de Scienze Storiche (Rome 15-17 October 2015), edd. Gert Melville and Johannes Helmrath (Affalterbach 2017) 41-54 also in Texts and Contexts in Legal History: Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue (Studies in Comparative Legal History; Berkeley 2016) 179-198


98. “Bartolomé de las Casas,” Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History, edd. Rafael Domingo and Javier Martínez-Torrón (Law and Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018) 98-114


99. “The Biography of Gratian, the Father of Canon Law,” A Service Beyond all Recompense:  Studies Offered in Honor of Msgr. Thomas J. Green, ed. Kurt Martens (Washington D.C.: Catholic University Press of America, 2018) 359-391(Expanded essay of 2014)


100. “The Golden Ages of Episcopal Elections 1100-1300,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 35 (2018) 243-253


101. “Stephen of Tournai (Étienne de Tournai) (1128-1203)”  Great Christian Jurists in French History, edd. Olivier Descamps and Rafael Domingo  (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019) 35-51


102. “The Christian Tradition: A History,” Routledge Handbook of Religious Laws, edited by Rossella Bottoni and Silvio Ferrari (London-New York: Routledge, 2019) 35-51


103. “Canonical Jurisprudence and other Legal Systems in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods,” Diritto canonico e culture giuridiche nel centenario del Corpus Iuris Canonici del 1917: Atti del XVI Congresso Internazionale  della Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici promovendo, 4-7 ottobre 2017, ed. J. Minanbres (Roma 2019), pp. 109-118


104. “Ecclesiastical Liberty on the Eve of the Reformation,” Alla ricerca di soluzioni nuova luce sul Concilio lateranense V: Studi per i 500 anni del Concilio, ed. Nelson H. Minnich (Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche, Atti e Documenti 48;  Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2019) 77-95.


105. “Irnerius,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 36 (2019) 107-122


106. “Per un Corpus Irnerius,” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 30 (2019) 29-43


107. “The Beginnings of Law Schools in the Twelfth Century,” Giraud. Cédric, A Companion to Twelfth-Century Schools (Brill’s Companion to the Christian Tradition 88. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2020) 226-249


108.  “Henricus de Segusio,”  Great Christian Jurists in Italian History, edd. Rafael Domingo Osle and Orazio Condorelli (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020)

109. "Johannes Teutonicus," Great Christian Jurists in German History, edd. Mathias Schmoeckel and John Witte, Jr. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020) 1-12

110. "Stephan Georg Kuttner," Great Christian Jurists in German History, edd. Mathias Schmoeckel and John Witte, Jr. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020) 381-393


111. “Gratian’s Tractatus de legibus and Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria D.V.19,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 37 (2020) 199-217


112. “Sovereignty,” A Cultural History of Democracy in the Medieval Age, edd. David Napolitano and Ken Pennington (London-New York-Oxford-New Delhi-Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021) 17-36


113. “Stephan Georg Kuttner,” Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 38 (2021) 1-7.

114. “Sources of Medieval Canon Law,” Sacrorum canonum scientia: Radici, Tradizioni, Prospettive: Studi in onore del Cardinale Péter Erdő il suo 700 compleanno, edd. Péter Szabó and Tamás Frankó. (Budapest: Szent István Társulat, 2022)571-

 115. “Teaching Canon Law in the Early Twelfth Century: The Evidence of Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 673,” Creating and Sharing Legal Knowledge in the Twelfth Century, edd. Stephan Dusil and Andreas Thier (Medieval Law and Its Practice 35; Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2022) 167-18

116. "Te Right to a Legal Defense and to a Just Procedure (Due Process),” Rivista internazionale di diritto comune 33 (2022) 9-33

117. “Sovereignty, the Prince, and Property Rights,” Sovereignty: European and Global Histories, 1400-1800, edd. Cornel Zwierlein and Daniel Lee (Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2025) 39-66


118. “Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Concepts of the Ius commune,” Clio Themis, Revue électronique d’histoire du droit 27 (2024) No Pages; Web publication.


119. “Eminent Domain, Property Rights, and the State,” University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy 17 (2024) 178-205.


120. “The Tyranny of Law: Summum ius, summa iniuria,” Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Comune 35 (2024) 13-26.


121. “The Medieval Papacy and Canon Law,” The Cambridge History of the Papacy, edd. Joëlle Rollo-Koster, Robert A. Ventresca, Melodie H. Eichbauer, Miles Pattenden (Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 2025) 349-367





  • Encyclopedia and Dictionary Articles

  • 1. "Bischof," Lexikon des Mittelalters (München: Artemis Verlag, 1981) vol. 2, 228-33

    2. "Bistum," Lexikon des Mittelalters (München: Artemis Verlag, 1981) vol. 2, 251-53

    3. "Codex Theodosianus," Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Joseph Strayer (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983) vol. 3, 475

    4. "Corpus iuris civilis," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1983) vol. 3, 608-10

     5. Gratian," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1985) vol. 5, 656-58

    6. "Huguccio," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1985) vol. 6, 327-28

     7. "Johannes Teutonicus," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1986) vol. 7, 121-22

     8. "Laurentius Hispanus," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1986) vol. 7, 385-86

     9. "Law Codes: 1000-1500," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1986) vol. 7, 425-31

    10. "Law, Procedure of: 1000-1500," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1986) vol. 7, 502-06

    11. "Innocent III," The Encyclopedia of Religion (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987) vol. 7, 248-50

    12. "Maxims, Legal," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1987) vol. 8, 231-32

    13. "Petri exceptiones," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1987) vol. 9, 544

    14. "Vincentius Hispanus," Dictionary of the Middle Ages (New York: 1988) vol. 12, 455-56

    15. "Library of St. Gall," International Dictionary of Library Histories (Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001)  vol. 2, 684-685

    16. "Innocent IV, pope," The New Catholic Encyclopedia  7 (2002) 473-476

    17. "Frederick II, emperor," The New Catholic Encyclopedia 5 (2002) 926-928

    18. "Holy Roman Empire," The New Catholic Encyclopedia 7 (2002) 42-44

    19. "Innocent III (pope)," Encyclopedia Britannica  Online:

    20. "Albericus de Rosate," Dictionary of the Middle Ages: Supplement 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons-Thompson-Gale, 2004: 7

    21. "Gratian," Dictionary of the Middle Ages: Supplement 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons-Thompson-Gale, 2004: 246-247

    22. "Johannes Bassianus," Dictionary of the Middle Ages: Supplement 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons-Thompson-Gale, 2004: 295-296

    23. "Law, Feudal," Dictionary of the Middle Ages: Supplement 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons-Thompson-Gale, 2004: 320-323

    24. "Law, Criminal Procedure," Dictionary of the Middle Ages: Supplement 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons-Thompson-Gale, 2004: 309-320

    25. "Natural Law," Dictionary of the Middle Ages: Supplement 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons-Thompson-Gale, 2004: 417-420

    26. "Oldradus da Ponte," Dictionary of the Middle Ages: Supplement 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons-Thompson-Gale, 2004: 433

    27. "Rolandinus de Passageriis," Dictionary of the Middle Ages: Supplement 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons-Thompson-Gale, 2004: 540-541

     28. "Anathema," Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (Walter de Gruyter 2009) 1.1097-1099

    29. "Gratian," Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (4 Vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) 2.742-744

    30. "Corpus iuris canonici," Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (4 Vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) 2.449-450

    "Procedure, legal," Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (4 Vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) 3.1361

    31.  "Caesaropapism,”  The New Catholic Encyclopedia: Supplement 2010 (2 Vols. Detroit: Gale Publishers 2010) 1.183-185

    32. "Corpus iuris canonici,”  Diccionario general del derecho canónico, edd. Javier Otaduy, Antonio Viana, Joaquín Sedano (7 Volumes; Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra-  Thomson Reuters Aranzandi, 2012) 2.757-765

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     34. (with Ennio Cortese) “Pietro d’Ancharano,”  Dizionario dei giuristi italiani (secc. XII-XX), edd. Birocchi, Italo,  Ennio Cortese, Antonello Mattone, Marco Nicola Miletti, Dizionario biografico dei giuristi italiani (XII-XX secolo) (2 vols.; Bologna 2013) 2.1578-1580.

    16 Biographies of Popes in The World Book Encyclopedia (1989 edition): Adrian IV, Alexander III, Boniface VIII, Clement VII, Eugene III, Gregory VII, Gregory IX, Gregory X, Honorius III, Innocent III, Innocent IV, John XXII, John XXIII, Leo IX, Martin V, Urban VI

    200 entries for the The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature, 3rd Edition, New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995, for the Section 20, Medieval Europe: Church and Intellectual History


    1. Monaco, Il De officio collectoris in Speculum 51 (1976) 338-40

     2. Russell, The Just War in Canadian Journal of History 11 (1976) 367-70

    3. Ullmann, Law and Politics in Speculum 52 (1977) 752

    4. Boockmann, Johannes Falkenberg in Speculum 52 (1977) 925-26

    5. Beumann, Sigebert von Gembloux in Speculum 54 (1979) 545-46

    6. Schubert, König und Reich in American Historical Review 85 (1980) 1185-86

     7. Marcus, An Allegory of Form in Speculum 56 (1981) 890

     8. Muldoon, Popes, Lawyers and Infidels in The Catholic Historical Review 68 (1982) 300-02

     9. Horst, Die Kanonessammlung Polycarpus in Speculum 57 (1982) 190

    10. Tierney and Linehan, Authority and Power in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 68 (1982) 483-87

    11. Wettengel, Der Streit um die Vogtei Kelkheim in Speculum 58 (1983) 856-57

    12. Laufs, Politik und Recht in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 69 (1983) 409-12

    13. Hilpert, Kaiser- und Papstbriefe in den Cronica majora des Matthaeus Paris in Speculum 59 (1984) 159-60

    14. Berman, Law and Revolution in The American Journal of Comparative Law 33 (1985) 546-48

    15. Imkamp, Kirchenbild Innocenz' III. in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 36 (1985) 653-55

    16. Kuttner, Gratian and the Schools of Law in American Journal of Legal History 29 (1985) 271-72

    17. Ziese, Wibert von Ravenna in American Historical Review 90 (1985) 1175-76

    18. Imkamp, Kirchenbild Innocenz' III. in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 72 (1986) 417-428

    19. Landi, Il papa deposto (Pisa 1409) in American Historical Review 91 (1986) 1181-82

    20. Black, Guilds and Civil Society in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 42 (1986) 707-08

    20. Oakley, Omnipotence, Covenant, & Order in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 42 (1986) 737-38

    21. Davis, Dante's Italy in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 42 (1986) 741-42

    22. Sayers, Pope Honorius III and England in The Catholic Historical Review 73 (1987) 317-18

    23. Laudage, Priesterbild und Reformpapsttum in Speculum 62 (1987) 695-96

    24. Mordek, Aus Kirche und Reich in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 73 (1987) 363-69

    25. Maleczek, Papst und Kardinalskolleg in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 73 (1987) 381-84

    26. Sturm-Maddox, Petrarch's Metamorphoses in Speculum 62 (1987) 996-98

    27. Ferruolo, Origins of the University in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 43 (1987) 342-43

    28. Vodola, Excommunication in the Middle Ages in Speculum 63 (1988) 242-44

    29. Migliorino, Fama e infamia in American Historical Review 93 (1988) 131

    30. Bartlett, Trial by Fire and Water in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 39 (1988) 263-66

    31. Akten des 26. Deutschen Rechtshistorikertages in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 44 (1988) 657

    32. Opll, Stadt und Reich im 12. Jahrhundert in American Historical Review 94 (1989) 113-114

    33. Stürner, Peccatum und Potestas in American Historical Review 94 (1989) 737

    34. Strömholm, A Short History of Legal Thinking in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 45 (1989) 282

    35. Quaritsch, Souveränität in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 45 (1989) 283-84

    36. Canning, The Political Thought of Baldus de Ubaldis in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 45 (1989) 289

    37. Bellomo, Scuole diritto e società in American Historical Review 95 (1990) 480-81

    38. Linehan, ed. Proceedings of Seventh International Congress of Medieval Canon Law in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 41 (1990) 297-99

    39. Blumenthal, The Investiture Controversy in The Catholic Historical Review 76 (1990) 342

    40. Heft, John XIII and Papal Teaching Authority in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 46 (1990) 268

    41. Godding, Le droit privé dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 46 (1990) 674

    42. Bellomo, L'Europa del diritto comune in American Historical Review 96 (1991) 1189

    43. Meduna, Studien zum Formular der päpstlichen Justizbriefe in The Catholic Historical Review 77 (1991) 678-79

    44. Melloni, Innocenzo IV in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 43 (1992) 147

    45. Borgolte, Petrusnachfolge und Kaiserimitation in American Historical Review 97 (1992) 823

    46. Belloni, Le questioni civilistiche in Speculum 67 (1992) 931-933

    47. Fell, Origins of Legislative Sovereignty, 4: Medieval or Renaissance Origins? in American Historical Review 98 (1993) 153-154

    48. Georgi, Friedrich Barbarossa in The International History Review 15 (1993) 144-145

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    50. Danusso, Ricerche sulla Lectura feudorum di Baldo degli Ubaldi in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 49 (1993) 348

    51. Schmidt, Der Bonifaz-Prozeß in Historische Zeitschrift 258 (1994) 167-168

    52. Landau, Officium und Libertas christiana in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 45 (1994) 170-171

    53. Scholz, Transmigration und Translation in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 45 (1994) 486-489

    54. Glöckner, Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur in Cristianesimo nella storia 15 (1994) 689-692

    55. Bertolino, et al. ed. Diritto canonico e comparazione in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 50 (1994) 737

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    58. William of Ockham, A Short Discourse on the Tyrannical Government, ed. McGrade and Kilcullen, in Parergon 13 (1995) 186-189

     59. Parish and Sullivan, Bartolomé de las Casas: The Only Way in Journal of Church and State 37 (1995) 907-908

    60. Fransen, Summa`Elegantius in iure diuino', part IV, in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 47 (1996) 151

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    62. Migliorino, In terris ecclesiae in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 82 (1996) 424-426.

    63. Davis, ed. Origins of Modern Freedom in The English Historical Review 112 (1997) 1031-1032

    64. Monahan, From Personal Duties towards Personal Rights in Law and History Review 15 (1997) 356-357

    65. Brown, The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, AD 200-1000 in Speculum 73 (1998) 816-818

    66. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 49 (1998) 339-341

    67. Löfstedt, Gratiani Decretum: La traduction en ancien français du Décret de Gratien, 3: Causae 15-29 in Speculum 74 (1999) 171-172

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    71. Müller, Päpstliche Delegationsgerichtsbarkeit ub der Normandie in Historische Zeitschrift 270 (2000) 746-747

    72. Somerville and Brasington, Prefaces to Canon Law Books in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 51(2000) 378-379

    73. Rosenwein, Negotiating Space in The American Historical Review 106 (2001) 1435-1436

    74. Drossbach, Die "Yconomica" des Konrad von Megenberg in Speculum 76 (2001) 720-721

    75. Shepard, Courting Power: Persecution and Politics in The International History Review 23 (2001) 638-639

    76. Bellamy, The Criminal Trial in Later Medieval England in University of Toronto Quarterly 71 (2001/2002) 200-202

    77. Tubbs, The Common Law Mind in Speculum 77 (2002) 1007-1009

    78. Winroth, Making of Gratian’s Decretum in The Historian 65 (2002) 775-777 and Speculum 78 (2003) 293-297

    79. Levillain, The Papacy: An Encyclopedia in Speculum 78 (2003) 943-946

    80. Evans, Law and Theology in the Middle Ages in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 54 (2003) 339-340

    81. Gallagher, Church Law and Church Order in The Jurist 63 (2003) 431-432

    82. L’Engle and Gibbs, Illuminating the Law: Legal Manuscripts in Cambridge Collections in Studies in Iconography 25 (2004) 304-306

    83. Piazzoni, Storia delle elezioni pontificie in The Catholic Historical Review 90 (2004) 730-732

    84. Hageneder, et al. Die Register Innocenz’ III., 8 Band: 8 Pontifikatsjahr, 1205/1206, Texte und Indices in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistische Abteilung 91 (2005) 813-817

    85. Lepsius, Der Richter und die Zeugen: Eine Untersuchung anhand des "Tractatus testimoniorum" des Bartolus von Sassoferrato, 2 volumes, in Speculum 80 (2005) 263-265

    86. Meyer, Die Distinktionstechnik in der Kanonistik des 12. Jahrhunderts in Speculum 80 (2005) 282-284

    87. Nold, Pope John XXII and his Franciscan Cardinal: Bertrand de la Tour and the Apostolic Poverty Controversy in The American Historical Review 110 (2005) 1239-1240

    88. Arabeyre, Les idées politiques á Toulouse á veille de la Réforme: Recherches autour de l’oeuvre de Guillaume Benoît (1445-1515) in Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis 73 (2005) 415-416

    89. Fasolt, The Limits of History in Speculum 81 (2006) 184-186

    90. Giles of Rome's "On Ecclesiastical Power": A Medieval Theory of World Government, ed. and trans. R. W. Dyson in Speculum 81 (2006) 197-198

    91. Bartlett, The Hanged Man: A Story of Miracle, Memory, and Colonialism in the Middle Ages in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 57 (2006) 137-139

    92. Cassell, An Historical Study with Accompanying Translations of Dante=s Alighieri=s Monarchia in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 57 (2006) 139-140      

    93. Willich, Thomas. Wege zur Pfründe: Die Besetzung der Magdeburger Domkanonikate in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 59 (2008) 130-131

    94. Kaufmann, Glossen zum Sachsenspiegel in Speculum 83 (2008) 717-718

    95. Reid, Power over the Body  in Law and History Review 26 (2008) 737-738

    96. Kannowski, Die Umgestaltung des Sachsenspiegelrechts in Speculum 84 (2009) 1067-1068

    97.  Brasington and Cushing, Bishops, Texts and the Use of Canon Law in The English Historical Review 124 (2009) 929-932

    98.  Gresser, Die Synoden und Konzilien in der Zeit des Reformpapsttums in The Catholic Historical Review 95 (2009)  794-795

    99. Medieval Canonization Processes in The Catholic Historical Review 95 (2009) 797-799

    100. Brett and Cushing, Readers, Texts and Compilers in The Catholic Historical Review 96 (2010) 777-780

    101. Huguccio, Summa decretorum in The Jurist 71 (2011) 238-240

    102. Hetzenecker, Stephan Kuttner in Amerika in The Jurist 71 (2011) 235-237

    103. Oakley, Empty Bottles of Gentilism in Speculum 86 (2011) 1106-1107

    104. Rolker, Canon Law and the Letters of Ivo of Chartres in American Journal of Legal History 52 (2012)  551-553

    105. Somerville, Pope Urban II’s Council of Piacenza in The Catholic Historical Review 99 (2013) 338-339

    106. Armstrong and Kirshner, eds., The Politics of Law in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy in The Journal of Modern History 85 (2013) 450-452

    107. Bertram, Kanonisten und ihre Texte in Renaissance Quarterly 66 (2013) 1049-1050

    108. Fioramonti, Gesta Innocentii in Cristianesimo nella storia 34 (2013) 704-707

    109. Decock, Theologians and Contract Law in The Jurist 74 (2014) 143-146

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    111. McDougall, Bigamy and Christian Identity in Church History 84 (2015) 238-240

    112. Summa in decretum Simonis Bisinianensis, ed. Aimone in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 71 (2105)  685-686

    113. Summa ‘Omnis qui iuste iudicat’ Tomus 1-3, ed. Peter Landau et alii in Catholic Historical Review 102 (2016) 389-391

    114. Wei, Gratian the Theologian in Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 74 (2018) 256-258

    115. Duggan, Armsbearing and the Clergy in The Catholic Historical Review 103 (2017) 559-561

    116. Padovani, Dell’alba al crespuscolo del commento in Speculum 93 (2018) 1174-1175

    117. Carmassi and Drossbach, Rechtshandschriften des deutschen Mittelalters in Speculum 94 (2019) 262-264

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    123. Kamali, Felony and the Guilty Mind in Renaissance Quarterly

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    125. Larson and Massironi eds. Fourth Lateran Council in Revue d’Histoire écclésiastique 116 (2021) 449-451

    126.Corran, Lying and Perjury in Medieval Practical Thought in The Catholic Historical Review

    127.  Massimiliano Traversino Di Cristo, Against the Backdrop of Sovereignty and Absolutism: The Theology of God's Power and Its Bearing on the Western Legal Tradition, 1100-1600 in Comparative Legal History






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