Pope Honorius III, Etsi membra
(X 3.10.10)
Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek 131, fol. 94v |
"Although the members of Christ’s body, which
is the Church, do not have one function but diverse ones . . . He placed
each person in that body so that the members constitute one body. The eye
cannot say to the hand “I don’t need what you do” or the head to the feet,
“you aren’t necessary to me.” Still more important, the weaker members of
the body seem to be necessary.
We and our brothers the cardinals were in
complete agreement that those chapters ought to be invited to such councils
and their nuncios (nuntii) ought to be admitted to the business of the
council, especially about those matters that are known to concern the