"It is dispiriting as well as shameful to have to turn out attention to this issue.  In 1911 the author of the article on 'Torture' in the Encyclopedia Britannica wrote that 'the whole subject is now one of only historical interest as far as Europe is concerned.'  .  .  . Perhaps what is remarkable is not that torture is used, but that it (or something very close to it) is being defended by well-known American jurists and law professors .  .  . John Yoo  .  .  . of Berkeley .  .  . Alan Derschowitz .  .  . <of> Harvard .  .  . Jay Bybee .  .  . <of the>  Ninth Circuit Court."

Jeremy Waldron, "Torture and Positive Law:  Jurisprudence for the White House,"  Columbia Law Review 105 (2005) 1684-1685

Jeremy Waldron, Columbia University Law School