Quibus sic respondetur:
Decime per Moysen a Deo sunt constitute, ut filiis Levi a populo
persoluerentur, et hoc pro
Quia igitur et nos in tabernaculo offerendo pro his preces et sacrificia domino seruimus, et ipsi decimas et primitias nobis persoluere debent. § Item cum darentur decime filiis Leui, non electione offerentis persoluebantur, ut levita contempto, qui secum erat, ipse eligeret cui uellet decimas dare. Nam dictum est: "Levita, qui tecum moratur et intra muros urbis tue habitat, comedet eas <cf. Deut. 14.27-29>."
responds thus:
God established tithes through Moses in order that the people give them to
the sons of Levi for the ministry that they
render to the people in the tabernacle.
The sons of Levi do not receive tithes from anyone except those for whom
they offer prayers and sacrifices.
Because we offer prayers and sacrifices for them in the tabernacle we serve the Lord. Thus they ought to give tithes and first fruits to us. § Again, when they would have given tithes to the sons of Levi it was not through their choice as to the neglected Levite who was with them he would elect to whom he would give tithes. For it is said: "The Levite who lives with you and lives within the walls of your city may eat." <cf. Deut. 14.27-29>." |