Betrothal, Liber feudorum maior in Barcelona, Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragó, Cancelleria reial, Registres no. 1.

Gratian had almost no material defining the legal status of Jews in the first two recensions of his Decretum.  He added these texts to his last recension (ca. 1140):

Distinctio 45 canons 3, 4 and 5

Coreced conversions of Jews

Distinctio 54 canons 13, 14, 15

Jews cannot have or own Christian servants,  they cannot hold public office, and Jewish slaves who convert are freed.

Causa 2 quaestio 7 canons 24-25

Jews cannot bring suit against a Christian in court

Causa 28 quaestio 1 canons 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Jews who marry Christian women must convert, Christians are removed from Jewish parents and relatives, Jewish converts must be separated from other Jews, and Christians may not marry Jews.

John Tolan, Université di Nantes, Le statut légal des minorités religieuses dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen (Ve-XVe siècles)